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Our Family

Laci Ann
Kylie Jo

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This is alot to read....but I think you will find it worth the time....Please read it.

Jamme and I were both 28 years old with three children, Tyler(10), Paul(8), and Aaleigha(4). We decided that we wanted 1 more child before we were 30(because 30 is SO old). So we tried.(Sorry Gram, I know you don't like to think about it!!) On January 25th 2003, I woke up and felt sick and lightheaded. I had a doctor's appointment that day, and when I was on my way home, I stopped at Eckerd to buy a pregnancy test. This made the 3rd one I bought in 3 weeks!! When I came home and took the test, it was positive. I called Jamme at work, we were both excited. I went to the doctor's on February 12th and their test was also positive. My due date was September 25th, 2003.
A few weeks later, I woke up in the morning and I had been bleeding. I went to the emergency room and they did an emergency ultrasound to make sure that the baby was ok. The babies are fine......wait a minute.....babIES????? I found out there were 2. Oh boy!!!
About 16 weeks into the pregnancy I woke up bleeding again. I went back to the emergency room, only this time they did a FORMAL ultrasound. The technician said "I have a surprise for you"...I said "nah, I already know I'm having twins".....She said "Yes, but did you know there were 3?" I think my jaw hit the floor then. "Every time I come to this emergency room, you guys add another baby!!!" Having 3 babies is rare....having 3 babies without infertility drugs....unheard of...Having 3 babies, no drugs, FRATERNAL....we should get paid.
On the morning of June 9th, I woke up bleeding again, only this time it wouldn't stop. Jamme called the ambulance (he didn't want me to get the seats dirty!!!) and they took me to the hospital. From my house to the hospital I lost over a liter of blood. I was really scared this time. I went into the labor suite when I got there and they cleaned me up and started the IV fluids. I started having cramps, which ended up to be contractions. They started another IV and ran a fluid to try and stop the contractions. Eventually it worked and I was transferred to a regular room. After 4 days of going through tests and eating hospital food I wanted to go home. But they needed to find out where the bleeding was coming from. So I went to another ultrasound. They found out that Baby "A" had broken her water. Now it's getting dangerous. I have to stay longer.
On June 12th, early morning, I woke up having contractions. I just laid there and hoped they would just go away. When the nurse came in to do my vitals, I told her I was having contractions, and they transferred me back to the labor suite. I was exactly 25 weeks along. They told us there was a 50/50 chance that the babies would make it if they had to take them now. This time they couldn't stop the contractions and at 11:52 A.M. I delivered Destiny. 1 lb. 6 oz. They let me peek at her and they took her away. 11:55 A.M. I delivered Laci. 1 lb. 9 ozs. I peeked, they took her away. 11:57 A.M. Last but not least....Kylie. 1 lb. 4 ozs. They were no bigger than kittens, their heads like baseballs. Off to they N.I.C.U. they went. I went back to a regular room and they put me on a morphine drip. Every 7 seconds I could push a button to help with the pain( I delivered by C-Section by the way). I was so sick, they wouldn't let me get out of the bed until I could hold something down. I just wanted to see my babies!!!
On Sunday, June 15th, Father's Day, I was released from the hospital..........without my babies. That was the worst feeling I ever I thought.
We spent months visiting the N.I.C.U. and just waiting for them to come home. On July 16th, Destiny was transferred to Children's. She had been diagnosed with a disease called Necrotizing Enterocolitis(NEC). This is a disease that is caused by an infection or the lack of blood supply to any part of the intestine. This causes the intestine to be damaged or unhealthy. You can read more about destiny here.
Finally, on September 29th Laci came home on oxygen and a heart monitor. Kylie just had to grow a little bit longer.......and on October 9th, she came home, also on oxygen and a heart monitor. Destiny is still in Children's. 2 out of 3 isn’t bad….but it’s not a complete family yet…..I don't know if I can handle this. Today is January 17th, 2004....I haven't cracked yet, so I guess I'm handling it well.
Please enjoy the rest of our site....I will post new updates often.
