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Shimmering Wolf Globe

Wolfie's World of Wolves
Wolf Facts

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Gray Wolf (Canis Lupus)

Ecological Status:Vulnerable

Crepuscular: (most active during dawn and dusk) Wolves in the least populated areas seem to prefer to hunt during daylight hours.

Height: 2.5 feet at the shoulder and some grow up to 3 feet.

Length, nose to tail tip:5 to 5.5 feet long and can be as long as 6.5 feet.

Weight:50 to 100 pounds. The largest wolf on records was 170 pounds.

Canine Teeth:1 to 1.25 inches long.

Pack Size:6 to 10 is the average size; however, northern region packs have been known to have up to 30 wolves in a pack.

Litter:Average of 4 to 6 pups with a maximum of 14.

Territory:20 to 150 square miles is the average. Some packs have a range of 200 to 1000. The known maximun is 5000 square miles.

Traveling Speed:5 miles per hour, 10 to 25 miles per day.

Maximun Speed:40 miles per hour

Life Expectancy:8 years is the average; some live 13 years or more. In areas of heavy exploitation by humans, wolves live an average of 5-6 years.

Paw Print Size:4.5 to 5.5 inches long but can reach up to 6 inches.

Habitat:Forests, taiga, tundra, deserts, plains and mountains.

Wolf Tracks

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