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Kamen Rider Kuuga

Episode 10 Synopsis

(Original Airdate: April 2, 2000)

Kuuga continues his assault on Me Giiga Gi, but his punches seem to have no effect. Me Giiga Gi backs Kuuga into a load of cargo and up against a support post. He continues to beat on Kuuga, spitting his explosive goo in an attempt to finish Kuuga off. Me Giiga Gi is preparing a final assault when he suddenly begins spewing steam from the holes in his abdomen. He is drying out and must return to the water. Leaving Kuuga behind, he jumps back into the Sumida river. Kuuga is distraught. Pondering his ineffectiveness, he simply wonders, "Why?"

Opening Credits

The SWAT team has gathered around the warehouse when Ichijou arrives on the scene. "Good work," he says to Sakurai, who fills him in on the situation.

Yuusuke picks up the fallen Trychaser, and hears the police report coming over the radio about the warehouse. He drives off to help.

Back at the warehouse Sugita arrives. He doubts the Grongi's will still be around, but Shimazaki reassures him they are. Sakurai, however, says it seems awful quiet.

Inside the Grongi's are in conference. Xu Zain Da is eager to go into action, but Rose tells him to calm down. The other Grongi's seem to take pleasure in Xu Zain Da's predicament, so he grabs their "scorecard" (the etch-a-sketch type gizmo they use to record their kills), but the others wrest away from him. Just then the gas bombs are rolled under the door. The Grongi's realize they've been found and prepare to vacate the premises.

Yuusuke closes in on the warehouse.

Sakurako is working on the computer when Minori calls. Minori somewhat reluctantly asks how Yuusuke's been acting lately. Sakurako says he's been his usual self. Minori seems unconvinced.

The police storm the warehouse, having waited for the gas to have full effect. Unfortunately they find no Grongi's. They do, however, find an odd assortment of bizarre paraphernalia, including mannequin's, odd personal gear, and some blood. They also find the Grongi scorecard, although they don't know what it is. As they are inspecting the room, another cop calls Sugita from the back, telling him to come and look at something. He is shown a hidden corridor through which the Grongis have made their escape. Shimazaki calls over the walkie-talkie, saying Mikado has found a scent out around the back of the warehouse. They rush outside. Shimazaki lets Mikado free, who runs off and shortly encounters Xu Zain Da, not looking too happy. Shimazaki, pursuing from a ways off, hears the yelp of a dog, and knows Mikado's in trouble. When he arrives on the spot, all he finds is the dog's i.d. collar and some blood. Yuusuke arrives then, but is too late to help.

Me Giiga Gi is ready for his next strike.

At the Wakaba school, Minori is listening to the girls reading the story of Momotaro, but she is still somewhat distracted. Risako is looking for another book, when Hiro tells her that Shuto's looking at it, and says he'll get it for her. She says "Really?" "Sure! I'm Number 4, you know." Hiro tells Shuto it's Risako's turn to look at the book, but Shuto won't give it up. He then tries to pry the book from Shuto's hands, which resulting in a tugging match, and then a slap-fight. Minori hurries over to stop it, chiding both the boys for misbehaving. Shuto ignores her and is about to strike Hiro, so Minori is forced to grab him and hold him back.

Ichijou shows Yuusuke the pictures of the items found in the warehouse. Most don't register, but then he sees the scorecard, which strikes him because it is shaped like the Grongi buckle. Ichijou asks Yuusuke what happened with Number 21 (Me Giiga Gi), to which Yuusuke responds that it was unexpectedly strong, and was able to get away from him. He wonders why all of his attacks were ineffective, and then remembers that the unseen Kuuga form relates to a sword somehow, and this must be the key to Me Giiga Gi's defeat.


At the Porepore, Oya-san gets a call from Nana (the girl who stopped Jean at Tokyo Station), but he apologizes profusely, saying he has to watch the news about Number 4 right now, which understandably upsets Nana. The phone rings again, and Oya-san picks it up and again is ready to brush off Nana, but it's not her, it's Minori, wondering if Yuusuke's returned yet. Oya-san responds in the negative, although he says Yuusuke had called earlier to say he was at the police station.

Ichijou and Yuusuke are engaged in a kendo match, by which Yuusuke hopes to figure out the secret of the as-yet-unrevealed Kuuga form. Ichijou tries to incite Yuusuke to fight, but he is overwhelmed, and so Ichijou is able to score several good hits on him. Ichijou asks what's wrong, to which Yuusuke replies, "Now I get it!" He asks Ichijou to keep up a continuous barrage.

Me Giiga Gi meets up with the rest of the Grongi's in an underground chamber, where they discuss their next move…

Ichijou strikes Yuusuke, who makes no effort to defend himself. This puzzles Ichijou. "Are you alright?" asks Ichijou. "Please continue," replies Yuusuke.Ichijou resumes his attack, but while he does Yuusuke advances step by step, absorbing each blow without apparent effect, and actually ends up backing Ichijou against the wall. Then suddenly he brings his kendo stick up and in one swift motion wrenches Ichijou's stick from his hands, sending it sailing across the room. Yuusuke collapses to the floor. Ichijou asks him what he was trying to do, to which he responds that this is how he will handle Me Giiga Gi next time.

Minori arrives at the police station and encounters Nozomi. She asks her Sasayama where Ichijou is. Nozomi tells her, but before letting her leave she asks Minori's purpose in meeting with Ichijou. Minori tells her that her brother is with him. Nozomi seems a little relieved ('cause, you see, she has this 'thing' for Inspector Ichijou). Minori meets up with Yuusuke coming out of the locker room. Yuusuke looks surprised.

In Shiba park (at the foot of Tokyo Tower) Yuusuke and Minori are having a serious talk. Minori tells Yuusuke that she is afraid of what will happen to Yuusuke now that he is also Kuuga. She's afraid he might die.

Ichijou gets another call from Dr. Enokita, who tells him about what she's found regarding Number 21. She says that as a result of its physiological makeup it can only remain out of the water for a limited amount of time. Ichijou tells her he'll pass the information on to Yuusuke.

Yuusuke and Minori continue their heart-to-heart in the park. Yuusuke: "I'm scared, too." Minori: "You are?" Yuusuke: "I am." Minori: "Really?" Yuusuke: "Uh huh." Minori: "But you do it anyway? Why?" Yuusuke: "Tell me, why did you become a teacher?" Minori: "Huh?" Yuusuke: "Everyone does what they must. You have your calling, and I have mine." Minori then understands, and gives Yuusuke the thumb's-up. As he's about to leave, she stops him and gives him a gift: the birthday cards the kids at the school made for her. She hopes they will give him good luck. "Thank you," says Yuusuke. As they reach his bike, a call comes from Ichijou, telling him Number 21's weakness. Yuusuke heads off, with his sister's blessings.

Me Giiga Gi is tearing up civilians by the river when Yuusuke arrives, slamming into Me Giiga Gi with the Trychaser. Yuusuke's intervention has allowed the civilians to get away, which thoroughly irritates Me Giiga Gi. Yuusuke jumps off the bike calls for the henshin. An enraged Me Giiga Gi fires a round of explosive goo at him, which explodes on impact. However, rather than being destroyed, Yuusuke transforms into Kuuga's Titan Form.

Minori returns to the Wakaba School and the boisterous welcome of the children.

Kuuga grabs the ignition handle for the Trychaser and calling on Titan's powers, he transforms it into the dazzling Titan Sword, with the same color scheme as the Titan figure. He begins a slow march straight toward Me Giiga Gi, who attacks with a steady onslaught of goo-bombs. However, the bombs are entirely ineffective.

Minori, back at the school, engages the children with kid's songs.

Me Giiga Gi is relentless, but to no avail. Kuuga closes in on him. He raises the sword, and then plunges it through Me Giiga Gi's midsection. Me Giiga Gi screams, and then succumbs to the power of the sword, exploding in a spectacular fireball.

Minori, at peace with herself and her brother, gazes with satisfaction at the children.

End of episode

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