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Kamen Rider Kuuga

Episode 9 Synopsis

Brother and Sister
(Original Airdate: March 26, 2000)

It's late at night as a truck pulls into a warehouse storage lot in Shinagawa ward. As the driver brings the truck to a stop between two buildings, he notices one of the warehouse garage doors slightly open and a curious red light seeping out. Flashlight in hand, the driver pulls the door up and walks in. There is a strange sound, a sort of groan of effort, accompanied by a metal-on-metal crash. A voice says eerily, "Welcome." "Who's there?" says the puzzled driver. There is no response. The driver moves further into the garage, which is filled with all sorts of machinery. As he reaches the steel steps of a ladder, he is shocked by a bizarre sight: a group of individuals, one of whom holds a knife. It is the Grongis in their hideout. The knife is brought swiftly downward, stabbing into the chest of a mannequin draped in barbed wire. The startled and disbelieving driver staggers backwards, dropping and stumbling over his flashlight. This gets the attention of the group. As the others watch, Xu Gouma Gu assaults the man. From outside the door we see the last moments of the driver's life played out in eerie shadows.

Opening Credits

Morning at the Porepore restaurant finds Oya-san preparing some curry sauce. Yuusuke strolls down the steps. "Good morning," he says, and shows his shirt, freshly embroidered with the Kuuga symbol, to Oya-san. Oya-san looks puzzled. "What's that?" "It's my symbol," says Yuusuke, "the symbol for Kuuga." Oya-san misunderstands, and thinks Yuusuke is saying "Kuuga." He begins the singing an old song, "Koi no Kuuga." Yuusuke corrects him: "It's Koi no Fuuga." After a little banter, hey break down in laughter, as Oya-san was making a joke. At that moment Minori walks in, having the day off from work, for which she is really happy. "Long time, no see, Minori-chi," "You're still calling me that?" responds Minori. Yuusuke's happy, too, because now he can give his shift at the restaurant to her and go help Sakurako work on her research. She reluctantly agrees, but is disappointed because Yuusuke seems to have forgotten his own birthday.*

At the police station, the detectives are being debriefed on the unidentified lifeforms they have been encountering as of late. The chief hands the briefing over to Ichijou, who explains that these lifeforms can also take on human forms. He then calls up a map showing the locations where they have been active around Tokyo. He points out that the police have investigated all the locations, save one. Sugita cuts in, saying that, although extremely strong, they seem prone to run away when confronted. Ichijou says locating their hideout remains the most puzzling mystery. The chief picks up the briefing for a moment, then turns it over to Shimazaki, a detective from the canine branch, who says that the dogs who have been exposed to the Grongi pheromone have helped to narrow the area of search to Shinagawa, Ota, and Meguro wards. Ichijou then reports that, as seen in the case of ZuBazuuBa, the Grongis seem averse to smoke. Thus, he has requested permission to use smoke bombs in order to subdue the Grongi's in their lair.

At the warehouse where the Grongis are holed up, Rose introduces the group to the newest member, Me Giiga Gi. She holds up a bracelet, and Xu Gouma Gu thinks it's his turn, but Rose slaps him away and hands the bracelet to Me Giiga Gi. She sends him off on his mission.

Back at the police station, Ichijou gets a call from Dr. Enokida. He apologizes for disturbing her on her day off, but she says the research is more important.

Yuusuke greets Sakurako at her office, and hands him a cup of coffee. She calls him over to the computer, and shows him that according to her findings, Kuuga has one more form yet. "What is it?" asks Yuusuke. "Don't know yet," says Sakurako, "but it looks like it carries a sword." "A sword?" They are wondering about this when the phone rings.

It's Jean, who's at Tokyo Station, ready to board his train. He called to check on something he left in the fridge, which Sakurako tells him is there. Jean says he forgot he left it there, apologizes, and hangs up. Just as he does, a teenage girl, rather frantic and talking quite fast, asks him to help her find the subway station so she can get where she's going. Jean just gives her a "huh?" and a puzzled look. Sakurako tells Yuusuke that Jean's on his way up to Nagano to get more information on the stone horn-like object Mrs. Natsume and Mika gave them earlier (episode 7).

Back at the Porepore, Minori is finishing up her shift. Oya-san, thanking her for her help, wants to show her something before she goes. It's a scrapbook he's compiled of articles on Kuuga. "Wow. He's famous, huh," says Minori (referring to Yuusuke as Kuuga). Oya-san replies, "Sort of. They still call him 'Number 4.' But he's really one of the good guys." (He still hasn't made the connection, and is referring solely to Kuuga.) Then he goes on about the good things 'Number 4' has done. Minori looks thoughtfully at the scrapbook, trying to imagine her brother as a hero of this sort.


By the Sumida river near Asakusa, two schoolgirls are chatting, when out of the river and up the ladder comes a bizarre sight: a strange-looking man with face paint and a pointy white hat. It's Me Giiga Gi. "Mo so gi da bu bas ba go za ba," he mutters with demonic glee. The girls seem him, scream, and start to run away. He transforms into his Grongi form, and fires a ball of sticky goo from his mouth, which splatters onto the chest of one of the girls. Suddenly, the substance explodes, and all that remains are a few sheets of paper scattering in the wind. Me Giiga Gi notches two rings on his bracelet, and then starts after a few men who happen by.

Minori is still looking at the scrapbook when Yuusuke arrives. He sees what she's doing, and sits down next to her, talking about the different colors he's turned (as Kuuga, of course). He spots a particularly good picture. While he is admiring it, Minori appears somewhat at odds with herself. Yuusuke: "What's wrong?" Minori: "It's been about two months since you became Kuuga, right? Yuusuke: "Uh-huh." Minori: "And this doesn't bother you anymore?" Yuusuke is about to answer, but Oya-san interrupts, saying there's a call for him. Yuusuke: "Hello. What's that, No. 21 has appeared in Asakusa 7-chome? Got it." He hangs up, and starts out the door, to the protests of Oya-san and Minori, who reminds Yuusuke that it's his birthday. Yuusuke remembers then, and Minori tells him to come back as soon as he can. "You can count on it," he replies.

Outside the warehouse, Shimazaki and his dog Mikado are approaching the Grongi hideout. The police operator calls Inspector Sakurai, who is waiting with the rest of the SWAT team, and tells him something has happened up in Taito ward, asking him if he can make it there. He says no because they're hot on the Grongi's trail.

Dr. Enokida is about to head out on her excursion with her family, when passers-by are overheard talking about the Asakusa incident. It catches her attention because they talk about an explosion and the unidentified lifeforms. She is torn because her son is begging her to go with, but she feels compelled to help the investigation.

At the Grongi hideout the gang is in a heated discussion. Xu Zain Da apparently wants to move into action, but Rose tries to restrain him. Zu Galme Le intervenes, saying "Rules are rules," in very clear Japanese. Xu Zain Da is in a minority of one as the others glare at him.

Ichijou is in the car, when the call comes over that there's been a sighting in Minato ward. He calls Yuusuke to give him the location. Yuusuke speeds there on his bike.

Meanwhile, Dr. Enokida is investigating the Asakusa scene when Ichijou arrives. He is surprised to see her there. "The vacation can wait," she says, knowing what he's thinking. "Come look at this," she says, showing him a powder on the ground, the presence of which bothers her.

The SWAT team moves closer to their target, with the help of Mikado, Shimazaki's German Sheperd.

Minori is walking into the yard of the Wakaba school, when the children run out to greet her. One of the boys asks her what's wrong, noting that he's never seen her at the school on a Saturday before. One of the kids posits that her "date" bailed on her. Another boy then asks her what she thinks of 'Number 4.' She asks if he means one of the unidentified lifeforms. Soon the two kids are engaged in argument about the virtue or lack thereof of 'Number 4.' The boys seem to think he's good, but the girls disagree. Minori tells them she thinks he's one of the good guys. Then she invites them all inside for another juggling lesson, to which they vociferously respond in the affirmative.

Me Giiga Gi pops out of the river near a warehouse and approaches some unsuspecting dock workers. When they see him, they up and run away. He is about to fire when the Trychaser knocks him down, saving Me Giiga Gi's intended victims from certain doom. He snarls something at Yuusuke that sounds like "bi ga ra" (probable meaning: bakayaroo = fool). Yuusuke transforms into Mighty Form, then begins his attack. He is stopped short, however, when Me Giiga Gi fires one of his explosive spitwads(?) at Kuuga, which blasts him in the shoulder and damages the suit. Kuuga is astonished. He ducks the next assault, then leaps over Me Giiga Gi and gets him in a sort of half-nelson.

Minori, finished with the kids, greets Keiko, a co-worker in the office, who is watching TV. A news flash comes on about another mysterious lifeform. Keiko says 'Number 4' is bound to show up again, to which Minori nods in agreement. "He's quite the weapon," Keiko says, impressed.

Kuuga delivers repeated blows to Me Giiga Gi's kidney area (question: do squid have kidneys?), which seem to have no effect.

The SWAT team has located the warehouse, and is about to move in.

The picture flashes back and forth between Kuuga's physical struggle and Minori's internal one.

End of episode *Thanks to August Ragone for his post on Yahoo's Kamen Rider group which clarified that the birthday mentioned is Yuusuke's and not Minori's.

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