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Pit Stop


Racing History
Current Season
Pit Stop
Special Thanks
Kodak Moments
Racing Links

The JTR race team is family oriented.  Here are the special people on our team

Car Owners

Sandy and Joe Trone - "Ma and Pa Trone", mom is coach and dad is head wrench and chief money man. This team would not exist without the love and support of my mom & dad!  


Robin Myers - "Motormouthmyers", Joey's aunt (Sandy's sister) is a member of the cheering section and part-time financial backer.  She also contributes as amateur photographer for the team.

Jim Myers - "Jimbo", Joey's uncle (Sandy's brother) is a part-time competitor (HA, HA) and when not racing, tries to keep motormouth out of trouble.  Oh yea, he tries to help mechanically.  Also part-time car owner as he purchased Joey's 2000 PMP chassis and has let Joey run this car until he receives the 2001 car.

Mike Apostalakis - "Mike who?", a long time friend of Joey's, Mike provides part-time mechanical assistance to the team.  A former high school track star, watch out when Mike sprints to fix something.  He can leap over a micro hood in a single bound!

Also, we do not want to forget our 4 legged fans.  "The pups": Fancy and Clementine and "the cats": Casey, Sam and Chessy!!


Michele Foreman - Joey's best friend and head cheerleader.  Michele is an elementary school teacher at New Oxford.  Do not be alarmed if you see a "BEING" that appears to be glowing in our pit, it is just Michele with the snake light around her neck grading papers for her class!