
How about some tax relief for the broke, by that I mean us, you know the working class, the peolpe that actually do the work for the companies to make the money with which to pay the taxes with. If we don't soon start to realize some of this relief we keep getting promised the working class are going to be a minority larger than the poor.

You know somehow I just can't fathom how there can be any justification for taxing me two, three or even six or eight times on the same money. Why do we pay sales tax on a used car, there were plenty of taxes paid on that same car when it was new so how can you justify paying taxes on it again, isn't that double jeopardy. And too many times over depending on how many times that particular car has been sold. Not to mention the fact that I have already paid taxes on the money I'm using to buy that car with at least once and again come income tax time, which I'll reiterate is still an illegal tax. And I'd say it is way past time to seriuosly consider removing it, this is where we are going to have to do some real serious rebelling. The days of it's usefullness are long past due, most people don't even remember the reasons why it was implemented in the first place.

With that said I would like to know why the democrats are having such a hard time swallowing Bush's tax cut plan. Except maybe that it doesn't actually go far enough. Is there some reason why people can't understand why the wealthy get such a large part of thier taxes back ? THEY PAY THE MOST you fools, naturally they are going to get back a bigger chunk than me or you, hell, I don't mind, that may be another job or ten that they can create with that extra money they have. Most of the wealthy people employ the rest of us, I'd say they should be entitled to show some sort of profit from thier efforts. That's what they are in business for after all is it not ? And I personally don't care how much money they make as long as some of it gets back into the economy. Which is exactly what it will do if they get some tax relief. I believe they refer to it as the trickle down theory, and the more they have the more that is there to trickle down. Or is there something I am missing. Even common sense dictates that this is the most logical way of looking at it. Though I realize that common sense is in extremely short supply in this country these days. But it does occasionaly leak in.

And so what if some of them go out and buy yachts with their extra money, it is after all their money and who the hell are we to say what they should do with it. You don't want anybody to tell you how to spend your money. And besides that, the people that build those yachts that they buy have to earn a living too, don't they ? If somebody doesn't buy their product then the unemployment rate goes up more doesn't it. Use just a little logic and it all fits together like a jigsaw puzzle, and when all the pieces mesh properly it will be a pretty picture someday. Now isn't that a pleasant thought ? You won't get many of those here so smile now.

I'm not sure what kind of imbesole would be let themselves be lead to believe that more government spending instead of cutting taxes is the best way to eliminate the government surplus, of which they have no business having in the first place. If you have a surplus of money then I want some of mine back, apparently you didn't need it so fork it over, because I can really use it !! I don't want to support anybody else, I've got enough trouble getting by myself. Let those people that need supported go out and get jobs and don't take so much in taxes and we'd all get along much better !

And speaking of spending my money on someone other than me, if the absolutely need to use some of it I would rather they directed a whole lot more of it toward the military. Those people that are in there protecting you and me and this country don't make nearly enough money, I know I've been there. Most have second jobs just to provide a decent home for thier families and I don't think that should be neccesary, I think they have enough to worry about. Do you think they should have to get food-stamps so they can survive, I don't, I think they should be paid as much as civilians would be if they were doing the same job. Why should they have to live in near poverty levels and be expected to protect thier country for next to nothing ? Make sure you thank a G.I. next time you talk to one, and let your congressmen and representatives know that you care about these hard working, under paid individuals and thier families. Without them we wouldn't have much of a chance!!