What Do They Teach in School Today ?

The question is simple, JUST EXACTLY WHAT DO THEY TEACH IN SCHOOL TODAY ? C'mon somebody tell me I'd really like to know ! It's becoming more and more obvious that they don't teach the rudimentary reading, writing and arithmetic anymore, government regulations are turning our children into blathering morons that only require that you give them what they want. Where are we going with this anyway ? There are several things that bother me about the sniveling liberals that think that everything that goes on in school should be done their way or not at all.

From what I've been seeing on the news, their way is definately not working in the direction that is neccessary for a workable school type environment. These kids are starting to go to school fearing for thier lives and I don't belive that is an atmosphere condusive to learning. I think it is high time we take the morals and right and wrong issuses out of the schools and put them back in the home where they belong. Let the parents teach this stuff to their own kids, it is not a school teachers job to teach a child morals or what a parent would consider right and wrong, not everybody's ideas are the same therefore it should be left to the parents to determine what morals and other personal beliefs their children should be taught. Hopefully they will make the right choices for their children. No it does not take a village to raise a child, it takes parents ! It's time some people start realizing this and give the rights back to parents, child abuse laws have just gotten way out of hand ! A good ass beating never hurt anyone, contrary to what we are supposed to believe, it doesn't scar you for life or tramatize you, it does something very simple and to the point, *** it teaches you right from wrong ! ***Pretty simple isn't it, if you got your ass beat it was probably wrong ! How much longer do we have to wait until people open their eyes and see that the current system is not working ! Yes there are limits to how far a beating should go, you'll get no argument from me there, but it worked when I was a kid and it could again, fear will work wonders for keeping kids in line. We are not our childrens best friend we are their parents and mentors. They need to learn to respect their parents, that makes for a real family. A family was not founded on democracy, it is a monarchy and children need to learn to follow the rules set down by the king and queen. Changing your rules to suit your childs needs does not teach them anything about reality. Unless you are a liberal and you expect the rules to fit your lifestyle that is. Treat them as such they will learn a lot more from your examples than they will from your willingness to spend money on them !

Now to one of the other things I don't quite understand and that is why it is suddenly so wrong for a child to observe his or her religion in school. No I don't mean they should walk around preaching to the other kids, but the moment of silence we had at the beginning of the school day never left lasting scars on any kids psychy that I am aware of. What makes it so difficult for the students who don't observe any particular religion to stand quietly while those that do, say thier prayers or whatever. That is called freedom I believe and I don't see it infringing on anything the school or other students are apt to believe. I think it's time to put the schools back the way they were so the kids can actually learn something again.

Now why is it that parents are blaming teachers when thier kids get into trouble. Why is it their fault ? Teachers should not be teaching their moral values to their students, that is not what they went to college for. If the bullshit were taken out of the schools and the teachers went back to teaching their assigned subjects just maybe these kids would learn something useful.

There is a lot of learning that needs to be put back in the home. I think if less time were spent in front of the video game or computer and these kids got more attention at home they would be less likely to do some of the things they are doing now ! Just how many of you out there would have actually considered taking a gun to school and indescriminately start shooting at other students and teachers ? We would never even have considered the idea because we new what the consequences of such an action would be. And the first thought wasn't of just how much trouble you'd get in at school but first and foremost what would happen when you got home ! Just that thought alone was enough to deter the average kid from doing most anything that stupid ! There were consequences then, that doesn't seem to be the case now a days!

I think we need to get these kids off the drugs (i.e. mind altering stuff prescibed by doctors to calm the kids so we don't have to deal with them) and go back to raising your kids the way it should be done, with a little love and affection and a wooden spoon! These drugs are doing nothing but suppressing what could otherwise possibly be brilliantly creative and imaginative minds that could be put to constructive purposes rather than self destructive. I don't believe that the majority of these kids belong on these drugs at all, it is just a whiny, do it for me mentality that seems to be rearing it's ugly head that is promoting this stuff. Get a grip people. Do you want to have your kids living at home for the rest of your lives ? Quit buying them new cars and fancy clothes and giving them everything they want and instill some real work ethics in them. Let them work for what they want so they understand what it means to have a little pride in what is theirs and the work you had to do to get it ! Believe me, it really won't kill them to do a little manual labor ! This country grew up on it your kids can too ! After all Micky D's has to have low cost employees too !They can't learn this stuff in school, it's has to be thrust at them, don't ask them to go get a job to help pay their car insurance, tell them to get a job to buy the car and the insurance, then hold them to it ! You would be suprised at the difference it will make in the way they take care of their car and the way they drive it. After all every ticket and wreck will raise their insurance not yours. Lack of cash puts a seriuos damper on the amount of running around that gets done and they might even spend a little more time at home !

Todays children have entirerly too much handed to them on a platter which seems to account for the total lack of respect and apppreciation for anything they have. They have no respect for anyone or even any common courtesy toward other people. It's a small wonder that more kids aren't hurt or even killed in schools today.

And now the ZERO TOLERANCE thing we've got going on in the schools today. Just where did this come from and who is the idiot that thought it up, what were they thinking at the time ? Nothing intelligent I presume ! To suspend a kid for fingernail clippers or a nail file ! Even a little pocket knife makes absolutely no sense to me ! When we were kids everybody carried a pocket knife, it was just there, never did see anybody get hurt with one. Except maybe to cut your own finger using it. And now we are suspending kids for making a joke in class, about the subject the teacher is talking about, no less ! Does this sound just a little bit ridiculous to anyone besides me ? I really believe the teacher should have been suspended for even mentioning this to anyone. A little common sense needs to be used in the implementation of these policies if they are going to use them. This kind of bullshit is just out and out stupid. Apparently common sense is not very important anymore, because I sure don't see any of it in use in our schools !