And now on to a subject that is near and dear to my heart, GUN CONTROL or my preferred lack of it. I will rant on this subject frequently as you will see.


Now on with the show. Just exactly why haven't any of you questioned the new gun control laws they keep sneaking in on us? When are people going to realize that the only reason that the government wants you to have all of your guns either removed from your house or centrally registered is so they can come and get them when they are ready, and they WILL be ready before long. That's the whole point of this operation. Does anybody get it ? Those of us that are concerned about the direction things are going are not alarmist or gun fanatics that just want to make noise, WE ARE REALISTS ! The government can never completely control your life as long as we as a people have the right to own any guns, (and don't buy into the assault rifle B.S.) they want all guns added to the list of illegal guns, your hunting rifles, shotguns, pistols of all kinds and target guns included, it doesn't matter, they all have to go. Look around you, what is the purpose of a central gun registry, and why do you think they want to know what kind of guns you have in your home ? Simply to find you and your guns when the time is right. And make no mistake they will find you, and if you don't co-operate when they show up, you will no doubt be jailed or worse ! Decide now, before it's too late. I for one will never let that happen at my house, you can bank on it. They'll have to come in shooting to seperate me from my guns and they better be ready for a fight ! I guarantee you that they will not be invited onto my property to search through my home and belongings to take away something that is my constitutional duty to own ! Gun control of any kind is unconstitutional to say the least, and concealed carry permits just where did they come from ? There is nothing in the Bill of Rights about requiring the populace to have any kind of permit or license to carry any type of guns with them, loaded or not. Just what good would it be to carry an empty gun around, a person would look like a bit of a fool if he had to ask a mugger to wait till he loaded his gun to defend himself, pretty funny picture isn't it? And on the subject of loaded guns, just exactly why would I want to lock up my guns or put trigger locks on them in my house, sorry but burglars be warned it's a one way door (or window, your method of egress is irrelevant to me) in my house, you break in I break out the armament, someone will definitely have to carry you out !! I'm a firm believer in the adage, what's mine is mine, and I intend to keep it. And no I will not check to see if you are carrying a weapon, I'll check later, thank you very much, better safe than sorry ! I honestly believe that if a lot more people adopted this very basic attitude to protecting their personal property and homes this country would be a lot safer place. To hell with what this fatalistic government has to say on the subject, I don't think it is their business to protect your home or you, do it yourself and you've got a much better chance of survival. And I firmly believe that if more people keep loaded guns in their homes the burglary rate would drop considerably, who's going to break into your house if they know that their chances of survival are slim to none. The profit to risk margin would be higher than most thieves would be willing to accept. And no I don't believe a burglar has any rights once he decides to break into your home or business, except of course the right to be carried out in a body bag !! Who needs 911, I've got a gun !! It is not my intention to promote indiscriminate shootings or violence, ( tho sometimes I think a few people could use it )it is just to let you know that self-defence is your right not a priviledge to be given to you at someone elses discretion. I'm not here to say that everyone should have a Howitzer or a 50mm cannon in thier backyard,(unless of course you can afford it) hell some people shouldn't be left alone with a cap gun, but I don't believe it is for me to decide what you want to use for self-protection, that I think is a pesonal preference issue, not a legislation issue. I am only here to tell you that it should be your choice, not your governments.

And if you believe that some of the really stupid shit they've written in as gun laws can't be changed now that they are there think again, it's simple words like repeal and recind that would work just fine against them, hell if Clinton can do it for criminals surely congress can do it for stupid laws that should have never got by in the first place. I believe it is time that the bargaining for passage of legislation is cut down so that only things directly related to what they are trying to pass can be included in a particular bill. "i.e. we'll give you concessions on gun control if you'll let us pass this housing bill." Does anybody see how these two things are even remotely connected ? If you're starting to get the picture you're beginning to understand how all of our gun rights are being undermined by your own senators and representatives. You voted for them, make sure they understand how you feel about this. It's very deceptive to the general populace and they are aware that most people won't take enough interest in it to see what they are up to. This is how they can get away with telling you one thing to get you to vote for them, then going behind your back and doing exactly what they want ( or are paid enough ) to do. Don't forget the old adage, MONEY TALKS, BULLSHIT WALKS. Nowhere is this more true than on capitol hill !!!

I for one vehemently refuse to give up my guns to anyone, nor will I register them just to make some people feel better. They are mine and they will stay that way, I absolutely refuse to let the government know what I do or don't have, that's a need to know sort of thing and they DON'T need to know !!!

I think now it is time to mention what is going on in Australia, has anyone out there been paying attention? The government imposed a 100% gun ban on all guns in the country in an attempt to bring down the crime rate. The result ? Just as any intelligent person would expect, an astronomical rise in all types of crime, not just violent crimes. Burglaries, muggings, sexual assaults, and every other imaginable type of crime. When criminals know that no-one has any defense against them they have no reason to believe that they can't get away with anything that they do. They aren't afraid of getting shot in the commission of a crime because they are well aware that they are the only one with a gun so you can't shoot back. Can't really ask for a much better environment for armed criminals can you ? Unless they assign a police officer to every 4 or 5 people you become out-numbered by the people that can commit a crime against you. Your odds of surviving an armed attack start to get real slim. Can't shoot back? Now aren't you glad they passed those gun control laws and took all of your guns. It made things much safer didn't it? Now you don't have to worry about you or your family hurting yourselves with your own guns, only someone else doing it for you while you stand there with your thumb up your ass and absolutely no way to defend yourself ! ARE YOU PROUD OF YOURSELF NOW? OH, you mean you forgot to ask the criminals to turn in their guns too ? If you ask them nice, you know they will because if nobody else has guns they shouldn't need them either right? Now are you starting to wonder just how gullible you are, if not you should be! Everyone in this country needs to take a real close look at what is going on in Australia. It should open your eyes and make you think at least a little bit. And lets not hear any sorry excuses for this not working, because it just won't work, it's a stupid idea ! It just can't work, there are millions of guns in this country and there is absolutely no way of finding them all. Even if you did get all the legal ones criminals will still have theirs. They are just not going to turn them in or register them !!!! IS ANYBODY STARTING TO SEE A REAL STUPID PATTERN HERE?? I'll get to England at a later time. It's another major success story ! HA!

REMEMBER THIS-when they convince the people that they need to give up thier guns because they are dangerous, only the government and criminals with have guns. And then the government will be even more dangerous than it is now. When that happens WE LOSE !!!! The time to fight back is now, so join the fight. Write your congressmen and representatives and let them know how you feel !

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