I think I'll start this page by saying that I have absolutely no love or even a little bit of respect for the Clintons. I'll never understand how he got as far in politics as he did. With just a basic background check and a follow up on his character references on either him or his wife I'm not sure he could buy model glue. His associations with some of the shadier people that support him should exclude him from a job as a trash collector. ( and I mean no insult to all the trash collectors out there ) I just find it really hard to believe that he wasn't taking money from assorted criminal elements before he became president. As a matter of fact, what was the name of that airport in Arkansas, ( Meena ? ) seems to me that was a major drug trafficing airport in the south and he was one of the chief contributors in protecting it, still haven't heard any resolution to the investigation going on there. As far as his little scandal in the oval office, I could really care less about that, it matters little to me who he was screwing. I wouldn't even care if Hillary had joined them, and it's not even that they all lied about it, anybody would have. But let's not assume that I'm a moron and that I'm too stupid to know what the definition of sex is. Most guys aren't going to fool around on thier wives with somebody that can't even give a good blowjob, be serious, hell , that's what most of them fool around for ! One goes to a prostitute for sex and one of the first things on her list of specialties is a blowjob, 'nuf said.

I'm more concerned with all the stuff that he did that was actually illegal, and there was plenty of that. If the focus of some of those expensive investigations would have gone in this direction we'd have probably been rid of him much sooner and his wife most likely wouldn't be a senator right now. Open your eyes people or next thing you know it will be Mrs. President Clinton.

Just what anyone was thinking when they voted for him the first time, let alone re-electing him for a second term I have absolutely no idea. It's bad enough voting in a democratic president, but a pathological liar with a GOD complex really takes the cake. Just who does this ***hole think he is, attempting to dictate law in this land with a quick pen and a sneaky, underhanded, behind the back way he has of doing things, and why he keeps getting away with it is really beyond me. How can he be allowed to keep this *&#% up without some kind of restraint being put on him. This man should not be able to write down his lunch order (it'd probably be a lie) let alone an executive order.

He has already outlawed any coal and oil production in most areas of the U.S. where the largest reserves are. Should make one wonder how much of this property he keeps putting under government protection he and his illegal real estate dealing wife have found a way to get there fingers into after he's out of office, (provided he doesn't land in jail, possibilities are getting good now that his buddy Gore didn't make it into office)my guess is they found a way to buy into it then sell the mineral rights when the prices top out.

Another thing I would really like to know is who's asses they had their noses up in New York that enabled them to buy a million dollar house when supposedly they didn't have a pot to piss in because of thier legal bills, and why should they be able to buy a house of that stature and immediately start making interest payments on it. Doesn't seem quite fair to the rest of us lowlifes that actually have to scrimp and scape to pay our bills to live in the low budget houses that we really can't afford but work our asses off to try to give our kids the best we can. Really disgusting isn't it !!! It brings to mind some of those illegal connections (Chinese maffia ring a bell) that the media never seems to want to mention, all that money has to be coming from somewhere after all, doesn't it ?

I think someone should check into the offshore accounts the Clintons have to have, wouldn't the results of a really honest and thorough audit be interesting to see. There is just no possible realistic way that they could live off of what they make with the expenses they supposedly have, and the obvious expenses we pay for. And again I have to ask myself why can't anyone else see the obvious that's right under thier noses ? WAKE UP !!!

And now I understand Hillary is looking to by another house in D.C. and she is going to have it furnished by more people who are just trying to get what they can now that she is a senator (isn't that a laugh, of course who knows better than a criminal how to get into the senate ?), more gifts from her adoring public ! [$500+ for a soup ladel $200+ for a fork or spoon !!!] Let's get serious, can't these people eat off of sterling like the rest of the world. Seems like it's time to downgrade the prestige thing they've got going in Washington. Do you really think it is necessary for this kind of extravagance to wine and dine all these special interest groups out there just so they can live the high life on us ? [ One of the latest developements in this little drama ; Bilary just had to pay out approx. $83,000.00 for "gifts" they received that were way over they amount that they were permitted to receive, what a shame , what a shame.] But to the suprise of all but a few of us , they did manage to steal just about everything in D.C. that wasn't nailed down on the way out the door. And stealing things off of Air Force One ? what kind of shit is this, these people and their followers sure have got some big balls !!

And now to his final atrocities as president, he pardons known fugitives and other miscellaneous criminals that are willing to contribute large amounts of money to the Clinton retirement ( escape ) fund or sell the votes of thier communities to get out of jail or get whatever else they want from the Clinton Calamity, and it seems to work quite well for them. They keep getting richer and further out of reach of prosecution and nobody seems to give a damn. They just keep defending them as if what they're doing is justified ! They're criminals people !!!There is just no other way to put it, they both belong in jail along with quite a large part of thier entourage that belong there. And I'd be willing to bet if you start putting some of them in jail we'd find a whole list of criminal elements that are involved with this modern day Bonnie and Clyde.( same operation just different tactics ! ) I guess one of the things I really don't understand about this scam they've got going is, why oh why do they ask Clinton and the others involved if they can look at thier records of contributors and solicitations and what-not, why don't they just supeona them like they would to me or you if we were in even remotely similar circumstances, and believe me, we'd never get this far. I wasn't aware that when anyone from anywhere in the justice system wanted to investigate you they ask you first, I was under the impression that they usually informed you later, after they started the investigation, and they are usually carrying handcuffs when they do. I think it is high time they put him on a stand and held him and her accountable for thier actions. Hell, I can't get away with a stupid parking ticket but they can get rich off of us and organized crime, I'm seeing something really wrong with this picture.

Now that this fool is out of office his true colors are starting to come to light. He has somehow found an even longer list of idiots to take the fall for his actions, and what truly amazes me is the lengths to which people will go to cover his sorry ass and keep him out of jail. Why can't at least one of his cronies stand up and speak the truth ? Has he really amassed that much money that he can afford to keep paying people to lie for him AND go to jail for him ? What is it going to take to have him put away where he belongs ? ( i.e. a small 8x10 room in a large correctional institution, preferably one with lots of big burly guys that would like to have him show them what Monica did to him ) Cigar anyone ? Do we as a people really want to keep paying for these investigations into his dirty dealings ? I say just lay it all out and let him be seen for what he is. It's time to quit supressing evidence and make a real criminal case out of his operations like they should have done years ago. He isn't a savior, a fiscal genius or even terribly bright from what I've seen. He never really did anything but run a super-sized scam while he was in office. His so called economic strategies were no more than the lasting effects of Reaganomics of which he had absolutely nothing to do with. But now some of these morons that followed him would like us to believe that the country is going to fall into a shambles because the democracts don't control the congress any longer. This is just another scare tactic ( that amazingly seems to be working ) to get things on a down hill roll so that come election time they have something to blame on George W. And it won't matter whether he has anything to do with it or not.

And somebody please make sure that Hillary gets voted out of New York ! Do you really want her to be the first woman president ? P-leeeease!