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"You Have a Daughter"

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The First Night

"You have a daughter"
Those were the first words I heard, as I was blinded by bright lights and viewed in all my natural glory by a dozen strangers. Turns out that was daddy talking to mommy, who was quite groggy at that time. Mommy cried. I hope she wasn't disappointed.
I made my grand entrance via Caeserean birth at 8:22pm, Wednesday, June 17, 1998. Immediately, I showed off my incredible set of lungs, and within minutes I saw my mommy for the first time. Unfortunately, she was having a tough time with the anesthesia, and doesn't clearly remember seeing me. They wouldn't let me touch her, since she was restrained and couldn't hold me anyway.
Next they took me away and really gave me the once over! Daddy stood right outside and watched, and took this photo when I was just a few minutes young. He was afraid to use the flash, so I'm a bit dark.

Those other people put Mommy back together in the brightly-lit room.
About an hour later a nice nurse told me my mommy was asking for me and took me to see her. She still looked pretty rough, and was shaking really badly from the anesthesia. They put me in her arms, I immediately cuddled up to her....hey, she was warm! Mommy started crying uncontrollably. I hope I didn't do something to upset her! She seems to cry often around me. Then there was this flash of light coming from daddy's face. It's the first photo of mommy and me.

I also met someone called paw-paw and a blonde lady called Aunt Lyn. Shortly after they left, I was allowed to eat. Mommy was still really weak so the nurses helped hold me.
They let me stay in the room with her that night, which is good, because the food supply is attached to her. Can't let mommy out of my sight, or I might not eat!
I spent most of that night in the big bed with her, cuddling up and hoping she would sleep, like I did, but she was wide awake every time I peeked.

I was 21 1/4 inches long at birth! (And nine pounds, too!)

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