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Helping to keep our Neighborhoods SAFE!

"Where and What is Cranesville, PA?" You say.

Cranesville was founded in 1797.
We are a small Borough of 598 people as of our 1999 Census.
We are located 20 miles South of Erie, PA. Our Boro covers
roughly a 3.5 mile area. We have a hardware store, a Post Office
a Volunteer Fire Department, and a Industrial Park.
Along with several local Churches

"Our Neighborhood Watch"

We are a Co-Chairperson Organization that is made up of local residents,
striving to make our streets and park safer for everyone. We were formed
in 1998. Our first project was to clean up our local park and make safe for
our children and adults to enjoy. For a number of years our park has been
deteriorating due to lack of interrest and vandalism. The play ground equipment
was old and falling apart. Some of it had been destroyed. We had unsupervised
children of all ages in the park after curfew. When the park should have been
closed. Some of the neighborhood bullies were making it very unpleasant
for the younger weaker children to go, to the park to play and just be a kid.

With rumors of the park closing, the residents joined together and founded
the Neighborhood Watch. A petition was passed to generate interest in saving
and restoring the park. Over 200 signatures were collected. A meeting was
help and Cranesville's Neighborhood Watch was formed. With help from
a grant, we have now purchased some new playground equipment and 3
new benches. We are presently awaiting word another grant that will
purchase more, playground and park equipment,
including some handicap items.
The summer of 2001 saw a new pavillian added next
the old one, along with several new picnic tables
Since then The Cranesville Community and the Park have grown.

*Up Coming EVENTS*
Watch for new updates!!

*Turkey Shoot 1999*

*Turkey Shoot 2000*

*Turkey Shoot 2001*

*Our New Playground*



We can be contacted by either E-mail or at
Cranesville's Neighborhood Watch
P.O. Box 151
Cranesville, PA 16410


*Erie Neighborhood Watch Council*

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