More Pics of Us...And Stuff?

Hostone This is a pic of Jamie, Laura, and Kacy ontop of the Hostone. Yes that's right hostone! It's in the graveyard by laura's house and well all 3 of us got bored so we decided to run around the graveyard after the last full day of school this year. As u can tell it was windy out but it wasn't too cold. But we made it all better with our lolly pops and chips!

Inumbs This is as u can tell Jamie and Laura doing thier inumb salute. If u don't know the story about inumbs then u should learn all about it at ur local inumb dealer!giggles!!

Punk Pics! These are some pics of Laura being "punk"! No one is sure what was really going on that day but it was the morning after her and Jamie got back from Laura's camp. But check out the kool strum stick that she's playin!!

Check Them Out! This is of again Jamie, Laura, and Kacy! They we're having WAY too much fun in the graveyard don't u think! Well i don't know what was going on that day we were just soooo happy that we were done with school and were going out to camp!

What Up?? I don't know bout u but i was wondering what Kacy was up to?! It looks like she's on crack!!giggles! Sure u're all probably wondering why is Kacy on crack and not Laura?? Well that's cause Laura isn't as big of a crackhead as some people think(Chris!)

Ian Hamilton aka Basilisk Hey this is Ian he's really kool and he talks to Kacy and Laura on icq! I'd put a better one on but i ummm...that involves doing more work then just uploadin it and i just don't have the time to do that. Well here he is enjoy!

Chris Hey it's Chris Spangler! It's not that good since it's from last year but it still is a SPEDracer pic so i had to put it up! Look awwwww it a moon and stars how cute! giggles!! Too bad it's #94 :o) Get a real number like 24 or 11, crackhead!! I better go now or Chris will want to kick my butt (u just wish that u could!! bring it on!)

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Jamie's Rant
Can U Say PUNK?