Excess of Useless Stuff

Why You Should Love Us

Well this page is for anything we want to say,tell you,or whatever we just feel like puting down.

1.Laura's the band whore. 2.Jamie's pen's name is Polly. 3.Did you know that Jamie and Laura together make one brain cell. 4.Can you say "Walk Like a Camel"? 5.Kacy's old boyfriend used to tape his dick for soccer. 6.Laura has no friends. 7.Laura's cat is a guy but has no balls. He's Snow-deball-less. 8.In Romeo and Juliet it talks about being a SPED! 9.Jamie and Laura should be put in SPED classes! 10.Do you like to call God. on the phone at AT's house? 11.One of Laura's nicknames is ELVIRA. 12."No one likes you,so just go home!"-Laura and Jamie talking to Keith. 13.Big Cat Bonner scares us all. 14.Have you been MUGGED BY MORMONS? 15.Laura and Jamie are in another band,MUGGED BY MORMONS,with 2 guys from Hunington. 16.Laura and Jamie had another finger in between their thumb and index finger called an inumb,but it had to be taken off for unknown reasons. 17.KILL the POODLES!!! 18.FIRE!!! need we say more? 19."I have five fingers"-Laura, with great fascination in band yesterday. 20.Laura knows more Hole than Bekah. 21.The "unknown reason" Laura mentioned in #16 is that they couldn't play their instruments right with six fingers on each hand. 22.Laura, Jamie, Kacy, and Petey used to be in a cult called the Doctor's Union, during which time they would only answer to their nicknames: Dr. Death, Dr. Evil, Dr. Sinicle, and Dr. Pepper. 23.Jamie had to pay a nickel for a MOO and still didn't get it yet. 24.Jamie is forbidden to meet the other members of Mugged by Mormons in Huntingdon EVER, so Laura has to go all by herself and molest the one that likes marshmallows. 25.Laura and Jamie are both pedophiles. ["Jamie likes little boys!"-Jamie, about every 5 minutes in algebra] 26.Laura created a whole new country inside of Germany called Elbonia. 27.Jamie didn't get her MOO cause she still owes $199.95 towards her down payment. 28."You can fucking do it!"-Laura and Kacy Jenkins. 29.Did you know that Laura once fell in the gutter bowling!! 30.Don't put the e-brake on while going down the road really fast,or you'll end up in a muddy ditch. 31.Laura got a 84 on her acc. algebra 2 test!! no actually it was a 48 but Laura's sometimes(ok most of the time)dislexic. 32.Jamie is full of shit and needs a good ass beating!giggles!! 33.Did you know that Laura has an attraction to trees when in a moving object! 34."Drugs are BAD for YOU! That's why you should give them to LAURA!"-Laura talking to the local pot-heads of P'burg. 35.Jamie paid Schenely a whole QUARTER for unlimited access to Schenely's scanner! 36.Jamie knows html and Laura doesn't, that's why Jamie keeps having to switch the pages to advanced editor! 37.Did u notice that Laura uses GIGGLZ and GIGGLERZ a lot when she types! 38.Laura is in love with a Canadian Crackbaby that she thinks must be god because he is so hot! LOL!! 39.Somebody messed up Laura & Jamie's combined e-mail address so they had to get a new one! Sniffles! 40.There is now a Mugged by Mormons homepage, but it was just started so there isn't even as much there as there is here! 41.Jamie has her own webpage but she's too lazy to make a link for it from here, and plus I don't want Laura to beat me with one of her metal forks! 42.Bekah has a picture of Laura with horns! Giggles! But she won't give it to Schenely! 43.There is another potential member of the Sherpas in Canadia! He is much like us except he's not a pedophile cuz he's only 13! We will write about him sometime! 44.We all LOVE Gay Jim,even though he's not really gay!! 45.BINARY11 ISN'T A POTHEAD!!!!!!!! HE'S A GOOD PERSON AND DOESN'T DO THAT SORT OF THING!!!! 46.Gay Jim is a POTHEAD though!!!!!gigglerz!!!!!!!!!! 47.Laura has a twin sister named Saje Olivia Whitehead,(yes their last names are different but that's only because that's her mom's last name and i think that her mom was given tooo many pain killers at the time!!) 48.Saje would be a part of the band but you just wouldn't understand why!!!! 49.Josh is sweet!! Well unless he's hitting Laura in the knee!!giggles!!! 50.Laura had Josh and Jim at her house last night and Kacy left early!! Now let your imagination run wild! Wait nothing really happened! K,so that's a lie! 51.Just compleatly forget number 50 cause it doesn't make any sense and is a lie!!! 52.Jamie skipped school on friday cause she's a BAD girl!!!!!! 53."Your name is Andy Arnold and you're a faggot!"-Aaron Musser 54.Did you know that there's a person named Kanon Ford that races go kartz!! 55.The movie The Out-of-Towners scared Jamie when her,Laura,and Gay Jim went to see it last night. 56.NO Laura's not as easy as Jamie tells everyone. 57.Laura,Jamie,Gay Jim,and Josh all don't have lives!! 58.Laura now has .6 of the brain cell and Jamie only has .4 because Laura did better on the science test then Jamie. 59.Laura and Kacy took out a truck on the main roads to Osceola and neither of them are old enough to drive!! 60.Musser thinks that Laura is "COOL",now isn't that scary!!!! 60."cool" in parenthesis!!giggles!!! 61.Laura cheated on Gay Jim last night with 2 guys. See everyone she is the band whore!! 62.Jamie has pics of Laura in the graveyard...They'll soon be up! 63.Everyone that signs the guestbook is SWEEEEET! So u better sign it if u didn't. 64.Did u ever notice that when the computer guys come to ur house,they're always ugly! 65.Why do guys never understand the word NO?!? I met the biggest jerk last night....need i say any more. 66.Does anyone know sign-language?? I need to learn it cause i met a guy that's deaf but hot and nice. Only Laura can get herself into those type of things.giggles! 67.Always delete stuff after u write it on icq!!! 68.Kacy is now going back out with Chris Spangler!! How sweeeet! 69.Wow what a perfect #!! Need we say anymore! 70.Always paint in old clothes. 71.Did anyone ever notice that there's never anything good on tv when u want there to be something to watch! :( 72.Everyone i'm sorry if laura hasn't been on icq that much she's grounded for her report card! :( 73.Laura actually did real work!! She tore down her deck and painted the new boards. 74.Have u ever had a Steve Job??giggles!! 75.Sick Duck! 76.People suck. 77.No one is nice. Everyone is mean. Don't trust anybody. 78.Laura and Jamie need lots of help!! Like y'all don't allready know that!! 79.Why does Laura always hurt herself?? 80.Pappa Smurf is the mac daddy of all of the Smurfs! 81.Go to Jamie's other new page dedicated to grunge music,GRuNGe NeVeR DieD. 82.Some people are sooooo sweet!!....and u know who u are! 83.Don't go out in the sun around noon if u don't have sun tan lotion on.....u're face might turn pinkish. 84.Don't worry scott the pics of jamie and laura will be up very soon!! 85.Hey everyone go to Kacy's page it not that good now...but it'll be better....now go to it.... **All Star** 86.Ohhh...Laura cheated on gay jim again...what's that like the 8th..10th time... 87. o0: SPEDracer #24 hit #70 last night racing!! 88.WE BE AWESOME!!! 89.Sorry Chris for not making the movie with Kacy! 90.Always stick by ur friends....??? 91.Bitches suck a dick........... 92.Marie Mondock is in FL for all of July, ain't she lucky! 93.That 70's Show is really really funny! 94.K...look everyone Laura actually updated this!! 95.Hey everyone only 18 days till Laura's birthday! 96.Please donate $$ to the Laura Gilham Snowboarding Fund!! 97.Also donate $$$ to the SPEDracer fund. It suports all of the SPEDracers in hope that they may one day rule the world!! 98.Don't get hit in the neck by a softball cause u might just get brused vocal cords and u're throat might just swell. believe me! 99.Hey everyone email Ian Hamilton when u go to his page or sign his guestbook and tell him that he's hot (only do so if u're a female)!! 100.Wow i thought of 100 useless things!!! 101.Hey sit by the road. It's always fun to see people's reactions to u wavein at them. it helps it u dress in orange jump suits and chains then wave as the cars go by!!fun,fun,fun, just sooo much fun! 102.Laura should be the next Betty Crocker! 103.Look it almost Laura's birthday...now don't u want to go out and buy her a snowboard!giggles!! 104.Why do u yell 4 when u're out golfin and u almost hit someone?? 105.Why do guys say u look fat when really u arn't? 106.KILL THE POODLES!! again i just had to put that one down. 107."Look they make cakes!!"...just something that Laura said in Pittsburgh...it was something really stoopid..if u want to know bout it ask her next time. 108.Hey everyone send Laura email...she gets lonely. 109.This band sucks. We really don't do anything. Just thought that u'd like to know that. 110.Never warm up a mc_donalds apple pie and eat it right away. U might just burn the top of ur mouth! 111.I like to swim. 112.Jamie likes little boys! 113.Ouch! The top of my mouth really hurts. So never do #110 unless u like the feeling of burnt mouth! 114.Did u ever think that everyone takes a shit. Supermodels, actors, they all take a shit. Just something to make u think about! 115.Cheese is good. 116.U ever wonder what happens to u after u die? 117.Binary 11 is the best!! 118.Dude can be used so many different ways. 119.Aunt Ella still owes me presents for every holliday that she missed!(too bad she really ain't my aunt,Kylie!) 120.People that r mean suck! no really they do. 121.Dino is sittin ontop of my computer! 122.I would like to say that i'm sorry that i didn't mention DB! I soooo sorry! 123.Here go to DB's page... Dawn's Page 124.Hey everyone i didn't say anything to Missy. I wasn't even on my computer this past week on aim! Just so everyone knows that i didn't say anything to her, and i DON'T like Chris Spangler! And i was never at his house this past week!!! 125.Hey it all good. 126.Kacy and i going to the fair tonight with chris and aaron!!giggles!! 127.Even more fun friday! giggles! 128.Ok right now i'm at chris spangler's house. i bored out of my little mind and no ones here to hang out with! 129.The beach is kool! But watch out for jelly-fish!! 130.Can't u tell that i bored! Someone amuse me!!! 131.Kylie want's to be mentioned. So there kylie is mentioned (oh kylie by the way tell me everything that's mispelled ohh...i can't even spell that!!) 132.Help me!! my page sucks ass!!!! 133.Don't moo at sheep they just don't moo back! 134.No more flusies only high class hoes!! 135.Bekah is a deprived child. She doesn't have a toaster!! 136.If u really want to know what i feel like go here Fellings if that's what u can call them. 137.People should learn to keep to themselves bout some things!! 138.Yayayayaya i go to posh!(po senior high)..?!?!? 139.Laura doesn't make any sense! 140.Frank is the koolest cause he showed me his nipple ring in bio class!! 141.Sheetz can be sooo much fun!giggles!!*kacy and allen* 142.Ouch i have blisters on my fingers from playin the drums! 143.Rubber chickens unite!! 144.We all love Allen Pride's ass!!giggles!! 145.Attack of the nubbies!! 146.Yes i don't endourse the killin of a cheese monkey. 147.LAURA and JAMIE for WORLD leaDERSHIP!! 148.This page never has really been worked on since i started my new one..oops! 149.Protestin stuff that isn't a concern or threat is really stoopid! 150.Laura needs $$ to go to WOODWARD..please send her some so we can get rid of her for a week or two. 151.My english teacher really mean. She called my house and left a message on the answerin machine bout how i've failed my past 2 tests on little women! 152.Anyone ever read the book little women?! 153.Laura needs lots and lots of help! 154.this page hasn't been worked on it a year...and doesn't it show! 155.laura and jamie r gonna get real jobs! 156.everyone take ur parents cars and go for a joy ride! especially if u're under 16!! it's more fun that way. 157.get a job. get a life. get laid.

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Email: little_whitey@hotmail.com