What You Really Didn't Want to Know About Us

Yes you have reached the core of the Sherpas. In here you'll find out stuff that you really DIDN'T want to know. You will find out about us,our love for fire and blowing up stuff,and our band the SHERPAS!! We just put real pics of ourselves up, but those green lines aren't really there in real life. Be afraid.

Laura Kay Gilham

Laura Kay lives in Philipsburg,PA and attends Philipsburg-Osceola Senior High School. There she learns useless stuff about nothing. Along with siting at a desk all day with a teacher blabing on for hours on end,Laura is on the school's golf and softball teams. Yes the whole golf thing is strange, but hey even Alice Cooper plays golf! Two things that Laura says about the golf team...1)"if out golf team were to take a drug test we would all fail!",2)"this just goes to show that not just preps play golf." Sure everyone agrees that she should be sent away to the Meadows. But Laura's insanity helps her create the music and lyrics of the Sherpas. One thing is for sure,Laura's LOVE of snowboarding. "Laura's not Terje, but she doesn't suck!",Laura comments. If you can't tell Laura talks in the third person,(like right now). She also likes to set things on fire and play the drums. Some think though that her insanity comes from what her rents told her when she was younger,that she was a cone-head but they bobed her head so that she would look normal,whatever that is?!? Her brother Kris though thinks that she has gotten worse since a snowboarding fall. "She bounced off of her head at lest 3 feet,(even our rents saw it from ontop of the lift),and she just laughed",Kris. She didn't even know that she hit her head!!" Well that is enough kaos for one little puney mind to read so Laura leaves you with Jamie.

Jamie Lynne Laird

Jamie L. lives in Spring Valley right outside of Philipsburg in the middle of no where. She too goes to POAHS. Jamie likes well...umm...who knows what Jaime likes. Jamie talks to pens and named her computer.(Well so has Laura). Jamie is filled with pure insanity. She has a messed up life that we shouldn't talk about. It just wouldn't be safe to know incase she goes on another killing rampage! No really she likes to kill stuff!! Jamie too is a pyromanic like Laura. Jamie just isn't blessed with the ability to do much so she dosn't do any sports. She does though play the guitar for the Sherpas!! Jaime,(another name for Jamie,even though it's the boy with the blinding speed.),helps Laura in the writing of the Sherpas songs,even the music when she remember what the little black dots are. Sure we all forget,hell Laura doesn't even know the names of the notes!,and both of them are in band at school. Again Laura will leave you with a mess of useless info stuck inside of your head untill you think of something else.

Other people

Ok,so right now we don't know who else is really in the band,b/c Jamie and Laura got mad and kicked a lot of people out but they will find some more people. Right now, there is only the two of us and our mascot, George the stuffed yellow monkey. So untill they find someone else Laura will leave you with a perdy picture of FFFFIIIIRRRREEEE!!!!!!!

Everyone listen up! There's a new possiable member for the band-- KACY RAE JENKINS!!!! So look for more stuff with her k?!

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