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Welcome to Test -- The Loaded Gun

April 3, 2000

Hi! Welcome to Test - The Loaded Gun, a webpage dedicated to one of the hottest young talents in the WWF. Feel free to browse the site and learn more about this incredible athlete from Toronto. And please sign the message board before you go! This website hasn't been updated for sometime, but it will be under major construction!

Junior (Chely)

What's New?

Last Updated: 1/17/01

Click the banner to get to Test's offical Fan Club and Join!

I had to get rid of the guest book..for some nasty writings!

Sorry that I haven't updated in a while, I have taken some things down in order to try to make this page avaliable for all! Added news Added special section in News for the fans! *WARNING*: The news section may contain Shotgun, Sunday Night Heat, and RAW Spoilers. If you do not want to know the results, please do *not* go to the news page. All spoilers will be specified on the main page.

Know of anything I don't? Let me know!

Past Updates

Pictures News Biography

Message Board Articles Links

Side Dishes WWF Show Experiences About Junior

[Pictures | News | Bio | Message Board | Articles | Links | Side Dishes | WWF Shows | About Me]

This site is in no way affiliated with Test, Andrew Martin, or Titan Sports, Inc. Test™ is a trademark of Titan Sports, Inc. If there is a problem with anything being on the site, please e-mail me at the address below.
