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The Loaded Gun's News
The Loaded Gun's News

New News: Test has a new fan club up! i have the banner n my links pae, but you can get there by clicking Here! Also, I will now be posting all House show results here so if any one goes, please send me a report of the show and pictures if you have them!!

News Archives:
June, 1999

July 12, 1999 Sunday Night Heat Results (7/11) - There was some new clips added to Test's theme music. After Mr. Ass made his way out, The Mean Street Posse entered the ring. Test went after them, only to be attacked by Ass from behind, to let Ass gain the early advantage. Shane McMahon joined in for color commentary and cheered on Ass. Posse immediately went after Test in the ring, resulting in a Disqualification. The Rock then ran in, where he destroyed Ass. Meanwhile, Ken Shamrock ran in to clear out the Posse. Shane and Chyna made a run for it.

Here's what Laura had to say about Test's situation in her weekly column, "The Other Side" on

Unveiling the Real Deal
Stephanie McMahon, Test, Shane McMahon, Joey Abs and the Mean Street Posse are all characters who truly shed light onto the hypocritical nature of money and morals in this damn culture. Test is looked down upon for his less than affluent background, for his lack of economic and social clout-and most significantly because he is nothing but the McMahon1s 3hired help2 and therefore not good enough for Stephanie. Translation: Test is scum because he doesn1t have money. Shane, his 3stooges2 and even sweet Stephanie as well hail from Greenwich, have the clothes, the cars and the cash. Translation: Their s#*! don1t stink. Now, reality: Test is a principled hard-working human being who deserves to be respected based on these facts. Shane-well, he1s another story. Just look how he again used his sister without regard for her emotional or physical well being-all in an effort to punish Test. Cruel-hearted. And Shane's boys-Joey Abs and the Mean Street Posse? Well, they are spineless monkeys who have no minds of their own. Stephanie- she is the one who gives this girl hope for human kind at all. She stands autonomously from her familial and economic affiliations. She obviously has depth of character, looking beyond the surface into the heart of others and choosing individuals based on honor and integrity-not by where they were born or how much green lines their pockets.

July 6, 1999 Raw Results (7/5) - Before his scheduled match against Joey Abbs, Test was shown in the back, talking to Stephanie who just wanted to make sure he was okay. He assured her he was going to be fine and made his way out to the ring. Test ran down the ring and tackled Joey. Test started to dominate him but soon took a thumb to the eye and a few punches. Test eventually hit a gutwrench powerbomb and pounded on Abbs in the corner. After exchanging more difficult moves, such as a belly to back suplex, Shane McMahon came out holding Stephanie to distract Test. As Test was yelling at Shane, the entire Mean Street Posse attacked him from behind. After the beating, Shane warned Test to never go near his sister again.

July 4, 1999 Heat Results (7/4) - Days after suffering a concussion at the hands of the Mean Street Posse, Test got a shot at the Intercontinental Title as he took on Jeff Jarrett. Before the match, Terry Taylor interviewed Stephanie McMahon, who said her relationship with Test is private and her brother Shane should stay out of her life! The match started out with Test taking control over Jarrett with his strength advantage. He had control until Jeff Jarrett got fed up and walked off with Debra but returned to the ring after thinking about it. When he returned, he took control of the bout with some of his more signature moves. Back in the ring, Test lost his concentration when he saw Joey Abs at ringside. Test grabbed the Mean Street Posse member, dragged him over the ringrail, and assaulted him. The referee called for the bell as the rest of the Mean Street Posse gang attacked Test! Test later challenged the newest member of the Mean Street Posse, Joey Abbs, to a fight on Raw.

Shotgun Report (7/3) - Test was scheduled to take on Gangrel in singles competition. The two exchanged punches and kicks until Test hit a nice powerslam on Gangrel. The two worked very well with each other. Later in the match, Gangrel hit a side Russian leg sweep, but Test got back on the offense and hit his gut wrench powerbomb. Russon talked about how Edge is now a "chick-magnet" and the crowd loves him, which may be disturbing Gangrel a bit. Test won with an elbow drop.

Jakks Action Figures is releasing a Test doll in it's Fully Loaded Series 2 set. You can see the doll by going here.

Laura had a few more things to say about Test and Stephanie in her column on, "The Other Side":

Caught in the Act
That GTV is really menacing - it is causing trouble left and right. I can hear the assumptions all over the place when Stephanie and Test were seen exiting a motel together, and exchanging a little kiss. Did anyone ever think that perhaps they innocently met for breakfast? They are on the road together and happen to stay in common hotels at times. Get your minds out of the gutter!

Stabbed in the Back
Fine, so Stephanie can be totally violated. Taken against her will, scared to death; left in a boiler room, dirty and cold and alone; be tied down to a giant ominous symbol in body as well. All of it done by those she trusts the most - her father and brother, Vince and Shane McMahon. All of that is fine to do to her, but heaven forbid she date a wrestler. When Shane and his little friends attacked Test after viewing the GTV tape, I was outraged,to say the least. The hypocrisy of it all - of the whole damn family - of the whole Corporate Ministry. It just proved that any problem Vince or Shane have with Stephanie1s relationship with Test is not out of love, but rather is all about control. Bastards.

June 29, 1999 Raw Results (6/28) - On GTV, footage was seen of Test and Stephanie McMahon coming out of a hotel and Test kissing her before they got in the car. Later backstage, Test was about to talk about his little appearance on GTV, but Shane and the Posse attacked him and gave him a severe beating. Jim Ross later said he was taken to a local medical facility.

Shotgun Spoiler (to air: 7/3) - Test defeated Gangrel- Good match, good pop from crowd for both guys.

Last night after Raw on the Home Shopping Network, Shane and the Posse were interviewed. Shane McMahon and the Mean Street Posse were on. Shane said he forbids Stephanie to continue seeing Test.

RAW is WAR 1-17-2000- Test defeated Big Bossman for the Hardcore Championship. Test won in the ring after a Pump handle slam and a Flying elbow drop with the nightstick.

ROYAL RUMBLE- 1/23/2000- Test is #10 and is eliminated #17. He was eliminated by the Big Slow, er, Show.

RAW is WAR- 1/24/2000-Test defeats Gangrel in a Hardcore Title match after Luna accidentally hit Gangrel with a shovel and he fell off the loading dock in to a huge box and Test elbow dropped him for the 1-2-3.

House Show in Dayton 1-29-2000 - Test challenges HHH to a WWF Title match "if his cahonies are is big as his nose." Stephanie wasn't there and HHH won by pin after a cheap shot and a Pedigree. Test had far more close ones than HHH had.

Raw is War- 2-21-2000- Benoit defeated Test in a singles match after Gurerro helped.

SMACKDOWN!- 2-24-2000- Crash Holly defeats Test in a Hardcore title match. Elroy, er, Crash started the 24/7 thing.

SMACKDOWN!- 3-2-2000- TEST was injured and didn't return until this SMACKDOWN! He pulled out an amazing victory over the big man, Viscera!

SuNDAY NiGHT HeAT- 3-19-2000- Test wrestles Gangrel about 2/3 of the way through the match, Trish Stratus comes down the ramp and joins Test after he gets the 1-2-3. Later on she comes out for Albert...

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