Try these Passover / Pesach true or false questions and see how much you know about some concepts of the Passover / Pesach festival!


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1. All Jews have two Pesach / Passover Seder nights during the Pesach / Passover festival.
Question 1 True 
No Answer
2. In Israel, there is only one Passover / Pesach Seder night, while everywhere outside Israel, there are two Passover / Pesach Seder nights, with the exception made for most Reform and some Conservative Jews, who, like the Israelis, celebrate just one Passover / Pesach Seder night.
Question 2 True 
No Answer
3. Moses was accompanied by Joseph when he went to see the Pharaoh to warn him that a new plague would be sent upon Egypt if he didn't let the Hebrews leave Egypt.
Question 3 True 
No Answer
4. Moses was accompanied by his older brother Aaron when he went to see the Pharaoh to warn him that a new plague would be sent upon Egypt if he didn't let the Hebrews leave Egypt.
Question 4 True 
No Answer
5. When the first plague struck in Egypt, the waters of Egypt turned to salt.
Question 5 True 
No Answer
6. When the first plague struck in Egypt, the waters of Egypt turned to blood.
Question 6 True 
No Answer
7. At the Pesach / Passover Seder table, a small cup or bowl of salt water, lemon juice, lime juice, or vinegar is placed on the Pesach / Passover Seder table, depending on one's custom. The salt water/lemon juice/lime juice/vinegar reminds us of the bitterness of slavery in Egypt suffered by the Hebrews.
Question 7 True 
No Answer
8. At the Pesach / Passover Seder table, a small cup or bowl of salt water, lemon juice, lime juice, or vinegar is placed on the Pesach / Passover Seder table, depending on one's custom. The salt water/lemon juice/lime juice/vinegar reminds us of the tears of sadness shed by the Hebrews while experiencing slavery in Egypt.
Question 8 True 
No Answer
9. A favorite tradition among Ashkenazic Jews at the Pesach / Passover Seder meal is to "hide" a piece of matzah called the Afikomen or Afikoman. Afikomen is a word derived either from "epikoman" in Greek, meaning "after-dish", referring to dessert, or from the Aramaic word for "dessert". The Afikomen is "hidden" at a specific point in the Seder and then later on in the Seder, it is searched for by the children, (hopefully) found, and then "held" for ransom in exchange for a small gift.
Question 9 True 
No Answer
10. Ashkenazic Jews (Jews whose ancestors came from Central and/or Eastern Europe) traditionally do not hide any food item during the Pesach / Passover. Like most Sephardic Jews (Jews whose ancestors came from Spain and/or Portugal), and Mizrahi Jews (Jews whose ancestors came from the Middle East, and Asia in general) Ashkenazic Jews will not perform any "hiding, finding, and ransoming the Afikomen" ritual at the Passover Seder table.
Question 10 True 
No Answer

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