The Jewish holiday calendar is presented below. It is a comprehensive calendar of the Jewish holidays.

Note: Regarding all dates on this Jewish Holiday Calendar web page, see the footnote near the bottom of this web page.

In a nutshell, the most outstanding days in the Jewish holiday calendar are the following (the day according to the Jewish calendar begins and ends with sunset):

Name of Month Month Number Length of Month 1st Day of Event or Holiday Event or Holiday
(including Jewish dates of complete holiday where applicable)
Nissan or Nisan 1 30 days (1) 1st

(2) 14th

(3) 15th

(4) 16th

(5) 17th-20th (Chol Ha-Moed Pesach = Intermediate Days of Pesach for Jews outside Israel)

(6) 22nd
(in Israel)
(outside Israel)

(7) 27th

(8) Last day of the month
(1) Rosh Hodesh Nissan; 1st of Nissan or Nisan is the New Year For Kings and Festivals and Months ("Rosh Hashanah le'Melechim v'Chagim v'Hodeshim" in Hebrew) I.E. the New Year for the purpose of counting the reign years of kings, the new year for the festival cycle which begins with Pesach/Passover on the 15th day of Nissan or Nisan, and the new year for counting the months in the Hebrew/Jewish calendar. In biblical times the kings of Israel counted the years of their reign from this date. For example, if a king died in the month of Sivan, two months after the beginning of Nissan, the son who succeeded him would rule the other ten months of that year as a transitional period, but would start counting his first year of rule only from the beginning of the next Nissan. The Mishnah adds that this date is also the beginning of the year for the religious calendar described in the Mishnah as the regalim, pilgrimage festivals, since the year's cycle of festivals begins with the pilgrimage to Jerusalem for Passover. Originally, the 1st of Nissan marked the beginning of the "Civil" Jewish year, but since the exile of most of the Jews by the conquering Babylonians to Babylonia in either 587 B.C.E. or 586 B.C.E. (secular scholarly dates; Jewish religious scholars state that the exile occurred either in 423 B.C.E., 422 B.C.E., 421 B.C.E., or 420 B.C.E.), the observance of the 1st day of Nissan or Nisan as a new year was discontinued and the 1st day of Tishrei or Tishri has since marked the beginning of the "Civil" Jewish year and hence the "official" beginning of the new year in the Hebrew/Jewish calendar.

(2) Ta'anit Bekhorot or Ta'anit Bechorot ("Fast of the First Born" in Hebrew; if Shabbat falls on the evening before the start of Passover/Pesach, then Fast of the First Born is on the 13th of Nissan)

(3) 1st day of Pesach / Passover (15-21 Nissan in Israel; 15-22 Nissan outside Israel)

(4) Sefirat Ha-Omer (16th of Nissan - 5th of Sivan)

(5) Saharane (Kurdish-Jewish Festival)

(6) Mimouna (one-day Moroccan-Jewish festival); also Isru Hag (literally, "bind the festival" in Hebrew, observed as a semi-festive day)

(7) Yom Ha-Shoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day)

(8) Yom Kippur Katan ("little Yom Kippur" in Hebrew, observed on final day of each month except if Shabbat falls on the final day of the month. In that case, Yom Kippur Katan is observed on the day before the Shabbat that occurs on the final day of the month)
Iyar or Iyyar 2 29 days (1) 1st

(2) 4th

(3) 5th

 (4) 18th

 (5) 28th

 (6) Last day of the month
(1) Rosh Hodesh Iyyar

(2) Yom Ha-Zikaron (Israel's National Memorial Day for the Fallen and the Victims of Terror)

(3) Yom Ha-Atzmaut (Israel Independence Day)

(4) Lag Ba'Omer

(5) Yom Yerushalayim (Jerusalem Day or Jerusalem Re-Unification Day)

(6) Yom Kippur Katan
Sivan 3 30 days (1) 1st

(2) 6th (in Israel, and also for Reform Jews)
6th - 7th (outside Israel)

(3) 7th (in Israel)
8th (outside Israel)

(4) Last day of the month
(1) Rosh Hodesh Sivan

(2) Shavuot (Outside of Israel: 6th and 7th of Sivan; in Israel, just the 6th of Sivan; Reform Jews celebrate Shavuot for one day, the 6th of Sivan)

(3) Isru Hag (literally, "bind the festival" in Hebrew, observed as a semi-festive day)

(4) Yom Kippur Katan
Tammuz or Tamuz 4 29 days (1) 1st

(2) 17th

(3) 17th

(4) Last day of the month
(1) Rosh Hodesh Tammuz

(2) Shivah Asar B'Tammuz, Shivah Asar Be'Tammuz, Shiva Asar B'Tammuz, or Shiva Asar Be'Tammuz ["Fast of 17th Tammuz" in Hebrew; this day commemorates the following tragic historical events: the breaking of the First Set of Ten Commandments by Moses when he observed the Golden Calf (Shemot 32:19); King Menashe set up an idol in the Temple; the Daily Sacrifice of the "Tamid" (the "daily" sacrifice in Hebrew, where in this case "Tamid" refers to a "constancy" or "consistency" within a particular time frame, such as "nightly" or "daily" I.E. regular or perpetual) was cancelled due to the lack of sheep, caused by the siege of the City of Jerusalem and the First Temple, by the Babylonians (Taanit 28b); the breaching of the outer walls of Jerusalem by King Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon; and during the Roman Occupation, Apostomos publicly burned the Torah]

(3) The Three Weeks (17th of Tammuz - 9th of Av, The Three Weeks is a period of mourning for the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temples, beginning with the 17th of Tammuz, when the walls of Jerusalem were breached before the destruction of the First Temple and concluding with the 9th of Av, when Jerusalem and the Temples fell: the First Temple in 587 B.C.E. or 586 B.C.E. by the Babylonians and the Second Temple in 70 C.E. by the Romans. During this period, weddings and other joyful occasions are traditionally not held, and one's hair is not cut. A sub-period within this period, from the 1st of Av to the 9th of Av, has further restrictions in addition to the restrictions for the Three Weeks period.)

(4) Yom Kippur Katan
Av 5 30 days (1) 1st

(2) 9th

(3) 15th

(4) Last day of the month
(1) Rosh Hodesh Av; The 9 Days (1st of Av - 9th of Av, a sub-period within The Three Weeks period where Orthodox Jews avoid eating meat and drinking wine, except on Shabbat or at a "Seudat Mitzvah" [a "Mitzvah meal" in Hebrew, such as a "Pidyon Haben", which is the recognition of a firstborn male child or the completion of a study of religious text)]. In addition, Orthodox Jews refrain from wearing new clothing, swimming, bathing, and listening to music during this sub-period known as "The 9 Days". Conservative Judaism, although acknowledging that these customs for the Three Weeks and the 9 Days are deeply held traditions, maintain that they are not seen as binding law, or in other words, as part of Halakhic law (I.E. Jewish religious law). Therefore, Conservative rabbis permit weddings during these periods, except on the 9th of Av. Reform rabbis and Reconstructionist rabbis maintain that Halakhic law (I.E. Jewish religious law) is no longer binding, so weddings may held during this period, according to their views.

(2) Tisha B'Av or Tisha Be'Av (literally: "9 in Av" in Hebrew, also referring to the "Fast of 9th Av")

(3) Tu B'Av or Tu Be'Av (15th of Av; also known as: Tu B'Ahava or Tu Be'Ahava = literally: "15th of Love" in Hebrew, referring to this day being the Hebrew-Jewish Day of Love)

(4) Yom Kippur Katan
Elul 6 29 days (1) 1st

(2) 1st of Elul - 10 Tishri or Tishrei (Yom Kippur) inclusive

(3) Last day of the month
(1) Rosh Hodesh Elul; Rosh Ha-Shanah le'Ma'aser Beheimah or Rosh Ha-Shanah le'Ma'aser Beheimoh ("New Year For Tithing Animals" in Hebrew or "New Year For The Herds" in Hebrew; this day commemorates the tithing of flocks and herds, flocks and herds are counted by their owner and every 10th one is consecrated to G-d in the Temple in Jerusalem and eaten by its owner. This ritual was observed in Temple times.)

(2) 40 Days of Teshuvah or 40 Days of Teshuva

(3) Yom Kippur Katan
Tishrei or Tishri 7 30 days (1) 1st - 2nd

(2) 1st - 10th

(3) 3rd

(4) 10th

(5) 15th

(6) 17th-20th (Chol Ha-Moed Sukkot = Intermediate Days of Sukkot for Jews outside Israel)
 16th-20th (Chol Ha-Moed Sukkot = Intermediate Days of Sukkot for Jews in Israel)

(7) 21st

(8) 22nd (in Israel)
 22nd-23rd (outside Israel)

(9) 22nd (in Israel)
23rd (outside Israel)

(10) 23rd (in Israel)
24th (outside Israel)

(11) Last day of the month
(1) Rosh Hodesh Tishrei; 1st Day of Rosh Ha-Shanah (Jewish Civil New Year: 1-2 Tishrei; just the 1st of Tishrei for most Reform Jews); the 1st of Tishrei or Tishri is the New Year For Years, it is also the date for when Creation occurred, that is, the creation of the world and of Adam [the creation of the universe, the sun, and the moon occurred 6 days earlier on the 25th day of Elul 1 BC, with "BC" in this context meaning "Before Creation"], for release (Sabbatical or "Shemittah" or "Shemitta" in Hebrew, is every 7th year in a 49-year cycle) and jubilee ("Yovel" in Hebrew, is the year after the 49-year cycle I.E. the 50th year) years, for plantation, the 1st day of Tishrei or Tishri was also the date that determined the beginning of the year when it came to the three years that a tree must be left ungleaned (Vayikra 19:23 or Leviticus 19:23), and the 1st day of Tishrei or Tishri was also the date for (the tithe of) crops, specifically vegetables. The 1st of Tishrei or Tishri also marks the "official" beginning of the new year I.E. it marks the transition from one numerical year to the next numerical year in the Hebrew/Jewish calendar. Rosh Hashanah, according to the Mishnah of the Talmud (Mishnah, Tractate Rosh Hashanah 1:1), is the also the "Day of Judgement", when each human being is judged by G-d for the coming year based on his or her's motivations and deeds over the past year and whether or not wholehearted and sincere repentance for transgressions made over the past year has been done. In the Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Rosh HaShanah 16b, the process of judgment by G-d is described as follows: "Three books are opened on Rosh Hashanah: one for the wholly righteous, one for the wholly wicked, and one for the intermediates. The wholly righteous are at once inscribed and sealed in the book of life; the wholly wicked are at once inscribed and sealed in the book of death; and the intermediates are held suspended from Rosh Hashanah until Yom Kippur. If they are found worthy, they are inscribed for life; if found unworthy, they are inscribed for death". Rosh Hashanah is also the "Day of Blowing or Sounding the Shofar" as well as the "Day of Remembering the Blowing or Sounding of the Shofar" (Vayikra or Leviticus 23:23-25), since if Rosh Hashanah falls on a Shabbat or Sabbath, then according to Halakhah or Jewish religious law, one cannot blow or sound the Shofar; therefore one instead remembers the blowing or sounding of the Shofar, and replaces the words for blowing or sounding the Shofar in the liturgy with the words for remembering the blowing or sounding of the Shofar.

(2) Teshuvah or Teshuva = The Ten Days of Penitence or The Ten Days of Repentance (the 10 days between Rosh Ha-Shanah and Yom Kippur. Teshuva or Teshuvah means "turning", "repentance", "return" and "response" in Hebrew. It is a time for reflection, introspection, and repentance. Custom dictates that people apologize to one another for wrongs committed. The Sabbath that falls during Teshuva is called "Shabbat Shuvah" or "Shabbat Shuva", meaning "the Sabbath of Repentance" in Hebrew, because the prophetic portion - meaning the "Haftorah" - read at the morning service opens with the word, "Shuvah" or "Shuva", which by itself literally means "return", as in an exhortation for Israel to return to G-d.

(3) Tzom Gedaliah or Tzom Gedalia ("Fast of Gedaliah" or "Fast of Gedalia" in Hebrew)

(4) Yom Kippur ("Day of Atonement" in Hebrew): the culmination of The Ten Days of Penitence or The Ten Days of Repentance is on Yom Kippur and as such it is the holiest day in the Jewish holiday calendar, so much so that Yom Kippur is also known as the "Shabbat Shabbaton" or the "Sabbath of Sabbaths" in Hebrew (Leviticus 16:29-31). On Yom Kippur, the judgment rendered by G-d for each human being on Rosh Hashanah - either being immediately inscribed either in the book of life, the book of death, or being inscribed in the book of life or book of death on Yom Kippur - is sealed and delivered (except according to Kabbalistic or Jewish mystical tradition, which states that the judgment is sealed on Hoshanah Rabbah, 11 days after Yom Kippur, and delivered the next day on Shemini Atzeret).

(5) 1st Day of Sukkot (15-21 Tishri or Tishrei including Hoshanah Rabbah, the seventh and final day of Sukkot, which is on the 21st of Tishri or Tishrei)

(6) Saharane (Kurdish-Jewish Festival)

(7) Hosha'anah Rabah or Hoshana Rabbah or Hoshanah Rabbah (the seventh and last day of Sukkot; according to the Book of Zohar of the Kabbalists, or Jewish mystics, the day of the final sealing of judgement by G-d for the coming year on each human being which was initially rendered on Rosh Hashanah and written into either the Book of Life or Book of Death on Yom Kippur)

(8) Shemini Atzeret (according to the Zohar of the Kabbalists, the day of the delivery of the sealed judgment for each human being for the coming year). Shemini Atzeret is celebrated as a separate holiday from Sukkot. In Israel, Shemini Atzeret is combined with Simchat Torah and together celebrated for one day; outside Israel, Shemini Atzeret is again a separate holiday from Sukkot and according to Halakhah or Jewish religious law, is a two-day holiday and is celebrated on consecutive days: the first day and second day after the final day of Sukkot. Although both days are in fact Shemini Atzeret, the first day is often called Shemini Atzeret while the second day is known as Simchat Torah, which is the celebration of the completion and renewal of the annual Torah reading cycle.

(9) Simchat Torah or Simhat Torah (Note from this Jewish holidays chart that Simchat Torah is celebrated the same day as Shemini Atzeret in Israel (22nd Tishrei) and by Reform Jews. When the Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah celebrations are combined, this combination is called "Atzeret Ha-Torah" ("Assembly of the Torah" in Hebrew)

(10) Isru Hag (literally, "bind the festival" in Hebrew, observed as a semi-festive day)

(11) Yom Kippur Katan
Cheshvan or Heshvan (also Marcheshvan or Marheshvan) 8 29 or 30 days (1) 1st

(2) 29th

(3) Last day of the month
(1) Rosh Hodesh Cheshvan

(2) Sigd or Siged (Ethiopian-Jewish harvest festival and festival of the Giving of the Law I.E. the Ethiopian-Jewish Renewal of Shavuot following the Babylonian Exile. Also commemorates the return of the Ethiopian-Jews to Israel)

(3) Yom Kippur Katan
Kislev 9 29 or 30 days (1) 1st

(2) 25th

(3) Last day of the month
(1) Rosh Hodesh Kislev

(2) 1st Day of Chanukah or Hanukkah (25th of Kislev - 3rd of Tevet)

(3) Yom Kippur Katan
Tevet 10 29 days (1) 1st

(2) 10th

(3) Last day of the month
(1) Rosh Hodesh Tevet

(2) Asarah Be'Tevet, Asarah B'Tevet, or Asarah Bi Tevet (literally: "10 in Tevet" in Hebrew, referring to the "Fast of 10th Tevet")

(3) Yom Kippur Katan
Shevat 11 30 days (1) 1st

(2) 15th

(3) Last day of the month
(1) Rosh Hodesh Shevat

(2) Tu B'Shevat, Tu Be'Shevat, or Tu Bi Shevat (literally "the 15th of Shevat" in Hebrew; this day commemorates the "Rosh Ha-Shanah Le Ilanot" or "Rosh Ha-Shanah La'Ilanot", meaning the "New Year For Trees" in Hebrew)

(3) Yom Kippur Katan
Adar or Adar I 12 29 or 30 days (30 in leap year) (1) 1st

(2) 13th

(3) 14th

(4) 15th

(5) Last day of the month
(1) Rosh Hodesh Adar

(2) Ta'anit Esther ("Fast of Esther" in Hebrew)

(3) Purim (in leap years, the 14th of Adar or Adar I is known as: "Purim Katan" I.E. "little Purim" in Hebrew)

(4) Shushan Purim (in leap years, the 15th of Adar or Adar I is known as: "Shushan Purim Katan" I.E. "little Shushan Purim" in Hebrew)

(5) Yom Kippur Katan
Adar II 13 29 days (1) 1st

(2) 14th

(3) Shushan Purim

(4) Last day of the month
(1) Rosh Hodesh Adar II

(2) Purim (in leap years, Purim is celebrated on 14th Adar II, exactly one month before the start of Passover/Pesach. This is because in leap years, an extra month of Adar is added, and so the two months of Adar in leap years are known as Adar I and Adar II respectively with Adar II following Adar or Adar I in the Hebrew/Jewish calendar. In leap years, the celebration of Purim is moved from the 14th of Adar or Adar I to the 14th of Adar II, and the 14th of Adar or Adar I has a minor celebration of Purim called "Purim Katan", or "little Purim" in English.)

(3) Shushan Purim (as with Purim above, in leap years when an extra month - known as Adar II, which follows Adar or Adar I in the Hebrew/Jewish calendar - is added, Shushan Purim is moved from the 15th of Adar or Adar I and celebrated on the 15th of Adar II while a minor celebration known as "Shushan Purim Katan" or "little Shushan Purim" in English is celebrated on the 15th of Adar or Adar I.)

(4) Yom Kippur Katan

Note that for Sephardic communities, the Sabbath that immediately precedes the festival of Shavuot is known as "Shabbat Kallah", meaning the "Sabbath of the Bride" in Hebrew. In this Shabbat service, there is a symbolic connection between the Torah and the Jewish people. The Torah is symbolic of a bride, and the Jewish people are symbolic of a bridegroom who is coming to meet his bride. And just like at Jewish weddings, there are rituals that parallel a Jewish wedding such as the performing of poetic wedding songs, the institution of a special Jewish marriage certificate known as a "ketubah" in Hebrew that is read out in the Shabbat service when the Torah scroll I.E. "Sefer Torah" in Hebrew, is taken from the Ark, just as the marriage certificate or ketubah is read under the canopy at a Jewish wedding.

Note that for Reform Judaism, there is a Sabbath that Reform Judaism adherents observe entitled "Sabbath of Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise" (1819-1900). In 1873, Rabbi Wise organized a few scattered liberal congregations into what has become the Union of American Hebrew Congregations. In 1875, he founded the Hebrew Union Seminary, and in 1879, he founded the Central Conference of American Rabbis. This Sabbath is observed on the last Sabbath in March.

Additional/Translated/Transliterated Names and Notes For The Jewish Holidays

Footnote regarding the dates on this Jewish Holiday Calendar web page: all dates discussed on this website are based on the modern Gregorian calendar, however, these dates are but one secular scholarly deduction; there are many other secular scholarly deductions as well as traditional Jewish chronological dates in addition to modern Hebrew/Jewish calendar dates regarding the timeline of events in Jewish history. To see a table of some important events in Jewish history discussed on this website and their various dates deduced from traditional Jewish sources, the modern Hebrew/Jewish calendar, and secular historical timelines, check out our Jewish History Timeline web page.

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