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What are you doing here? Go home! (Actually, it's my real website.

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My FTP server!!!

You've probably read it before, but here's an audio recording of Canadian reporter Gordon Sinclair's "The American" read by Mr. Sinclair himself circa 1973. Hope you enjoy it

My Yahoo profile

David Copperfield on-line

Wuthering Heights on-line

1984 on-line

Any questions or comments, please e-mail me at my new e-mail address:

New stuff:

Sign my guestbook!

View my guestbook!

My list of MP3s. Somewhat accurate (Update 1/28/02)

Page with Computer Museum Links
Some files
More sites... unorganized!
MP3 Stuff
Speech Synthesizer stuff
...And now, the news...
The computers I have and had
Interested in what my screen looks like?


Try out my Scavenger Hunt!



CNN Weather report for Bethlehem, PA (My home town)*You MAY have to click your "Refresh" button on your browser if you click here a lot*

The Weather Channel's Report for Bethlehem (In case you don't trust CNN)*See above message*

8-6-99: Download Terminal Velocity here. Due to this file being 4 MB big, I am not excepting anymore files to put on my sister website. Thank you.

8-9-99: disclaimer started.

8-24-99: ...And now, the news... started.

Read the disclaimer here

Read...And now, the news...