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About the Songs

Come to the River

"Come to the River" came into being in London, England, in February 1988. My friend Nanette Welmans and I were reading about John the Baptist and how he called the people to come and be baptized. The lyrics just state that when we come to him, all things are made new.

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I Need You

I wrote "I Need You" while a missionary in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. I remember being 5,000 miles away from everyone and needing to just talk to someone. It became very clear to me that although I was very safe and sound in my apartment, there was a storm raging inside of me, and Jesus was the only one who could calm the storm.

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Not Perfect

In the progression of any relationship, I think that we are entirely "Not Perfect." There are so many things we’d like to do, but don’t. Hence, this song talks about the process of learning how to love each other and the patience that it takes while we grow to do just that. We just want to know that the person we care about will take the time to stand by us, pray for us, and love us for who we really are while we learn to be a better friend.

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My Little One

So many adults are wounded as children and never heal. I have a friend who has trouble sleeping at night, and I wrote this song for her, that she could see that the Father Himself is there with her and the wounded parts of her to keep her safe. We all need to know that He is there keeping us safe when we feel insecure.

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I Lay Down My Life

This song is written purely with the intent of sharing with people that nothing matters but being at the feet of Jesus; that no matter what happens, He is there for us and with us.

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Broken To Be A Blessing

I started writing "Broken to Be A Blessing" in the lobby of the Marriott in Tulsa, OK, during the 1998 Foursquare Women’s International Conference. It stayed with me until I finished it in late December 1998. It talks about how Jesus was broken to be a blessing to us, and that only by coming to Him are we healed.

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The Father's Arms

Just after my husband and I were separated and my life was falling apart around me, I heard the Father tell me very clearly that I could rest in His arms; that, no matter what, His love was still flowing from the throne. I think we often forget to just lay our heads on His chest and let Him love us, when that is what we need to do all along.

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I Am Here Child

I wrote this song for my friend Brooke G. and her friend Angel. Both were going through hard times, and I wanted to find a way to tell them that God was still there with them, holding them and comforting them, and that He cared about every little thing they cared about.

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Forever Faithful Friend

I wrote Forever Faithful Friend for my best friend’s birthday. She asked for a poem, and I wrote her a song. For a long time, she has been very close to me. This song just depicts what the friendship means to me

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Dear Jesus

"Dear Jesus" came out of the brokenness of false accusation and no ability to bring a resolve to the situation causing the accusations. I had to learn how to completely trust Jesus to bring the people I cared about around to see the truth. The truth was that I loved them and never stopped even though they’d stopped believing in me. He eventually resolved the situation.

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Forbidden Love

Before I was married, I had a relationship with an attorney that really pulled me away from God. It was the love of my life, so I thought, but when I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit leave the room, I knew that I’d left my one true love, Jesus Himself. This song just talks about His love drawing us back home after we’ve left Him and gone our own way.

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My Friend

Sometimes there is a breakdown in the communication between friends, and no matter what we try to do, we can’t fix it. There is only one person who can, and that is Jesus. Jesus is the bridge that heals all hurt. It is only in Him that we have hope of having healthy relationships, and it is only in Him that our broken relationships can be restored.

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