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I Am Here Child
Dedicated to Brooke G. and her friend Angel
Words and Music by Althea M. Bakke-Lysaker

Hello my little Angel
You seem to know my name
I long to pour my love in you
To take away your shame.

I know that you are hurting
I know that you need love
I know your heart
I see your pain
Do you hear me when I call?

For I am here child
Always here child
Always holding you
And you are here child
You are my child
I am here loving you,
loving you.

For you’re my little Angel
And I know you by name
And I’m waiting here for you
To call out my name.

I know that you are hurting
I know you think I don’t care
But I have heard every thought you’ve thought
And I have seen every tear.


© December 1998, Althea M. Bakke-Lysaker, BMI

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