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To Meet the Fae

El'Daran turns to you, shimmering. "Sadly," he says, smiling lovingly, "my kind calls me now, as yours call you. Return to your people, our time together, for now, has come to an end. Never forget us, remember we are always watching, and ever doing what we Fae do...." He fades away into green, glowing Fae light, and is soon no more. You are standing alone in the darkness, between your world and the Fae. The only light illuminates from a small parchment in your hand, reading at the top, "Never Forget...". You realize this is a way to, in the future, travel back to that wondorous place. To go back once again, to the Vale of the Fae.
Step One: Lie/Sit comfortably, and begin 2/4 breathing. See, in your third eye, the green, Faerie light illuminating in a ball about your head. See it almost as a curious light, as though it were a being, then, as though it were thousands upon thousands of beings, spreading down across your body, encircling you entirely. Bathe in this light, this magic for a time...

Step Two: Allow yourself to become lost in this light, until the light is all there is of your world. Just the Green, Loving, Faerie Light. It is now a fog, and you are in it's loving embrace. You are enjoying yourself when a Fae (whomever appears to you, be it El'Daran or a stranger) appears to you. You may also need to call out for a Fae friend to visit you. Either way, wait for one, and when one makes himself known, ask him his name. (I am saying "him" to save time and space, not to be sexist.) If they do not state a name, you may want to leave. In our world, is something not awry when someone won't give his name? Be ever couritous and mannerful, and keep in mind that the Fae are ticksters. Never promise something you do not intend to keep. Talk as long as you will with your new friend.

Step Three: If you have a need of your Fae friend, ask it now. Promise a peice of bread of cheese to leave for them that night. Leave it outside in a grassy/greene place. At this time, ask pardon, thank them for thier time, and depart courtiously. See the fog receding, and in it's place, your surroundings. It is done. Do not forget the gift, however.

You see yourself again, this time in your world, holding the paper. It no longer glows, and is now void of lettering, but the knowledge is safely ingraved within it and within your mind. Ever mind the Fae.
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