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Holy Scripture

  • Liturgical Readings for:
    The Divine Liturgy

    Ecclesiastical Writings

  • Saint Cyril of Alexandria
    On Luke 2: 4-8

  • Saint John of Kronstadt
    "And the Word became Flesh"

  • Saint Leo, Pope of Rome
    First Christmas Sermon
    Second Christmas Sermon
    Third Christmas Sermon
    Fourth Christmas Sermon
    Sixth Christmas Sermon
    Seventh Christmas Sermon
    Eighth Christmas Sermon

  • Simeon of Gesir
    Ancient Syriac Christmas Songs

    Liturgical Services

  • Christmas Eve
    Great Compline


  • From the Orthodox Ministry ACCESS Icon Gallery:
    Nativity Icon 1
    Nativity Icon 2
    Nativity Icon 3
    Nativity Icon 4

  • From the Novgorod Icon Gallery:
    The Nativity
    The Nativity of Christ
    The Nativity of Christ 2

  • From the Ukrainian Icon Gallery in Lvov:
    The Adoration of the Magi

  • From the Coptic Network Picture Archive:
    Adoration of the Magi
    Flight into Egypt

  • From Christopher Gosey's Ethiopian Iconography:
    The Nativity

    A Carpathian Christmas - The "Holy Supper"

  • Holy Supper - Svjatyj Vecer
    A Guide

  • Articles and Links
    Christmas in the Carpathian Highlands
    Folk Customs of Carpatho-Rusyns: Christmas and New Year
    The Bethlehem Carolers
    The Coming of the Carolers
    Slav Christmas Customs
    The Carpathian Connection
    Winter in the Carpathians
    Christmas in Ukraine
    Christmas in Slovakia

    Carols - Kol'ady

  • Heaven and Earth - Nebo i Zeml'a

  • On this bright day - Boh Previcnyj

  • There is joy in Bethlehem - Viflejemi Novina

    NOTE: To view the Slavonic-transliterated ("Latinica") text of each carol, you will need to:
    In Netscape: Change the Encoding or Character set (In Netscape 4.5 and above) to "Central European".

    Liturgical Music

  • Russian Chant
    "God is with us"
    MIDI of the above music


    Kondakion - Part 1
    Kondakion - Part 2
    Kondakion - Part 3

  • Byzantine Chant
    Katavasi of Christmas


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