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The Beginning Part 2

This is how you get a image on your e-mail or homepage for Webtv veiwers:

<img src="">

Common mistakes:
  • missing space between the "img src"
  • in the "src" the "r" and the "c" can be backwards
  • forgetting the  "  before the address and after the address
  • never put a space in the image address
  • forgetting to use the < >

This will be about links or the anchor tag. This is the place where you click on and it sends you to another address.

<a href="http://what ever the address is">The name of the link</a>

<a href="">This Page </a>

Common Mistakes;

  • forgetting to put the space between the "a href"
  • forgetting to put the  "  before the address and after the address
  • forgetting the  :  after the http
  • forgetting both the  //  after the  :
  • there is never leave a space in the address
  • forgetting to close your anchor statement

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