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We will start with "color" and how to use it. The color tag is used when you want to change the color of certain words in your page or on your Webtv e-mail:

1. <font color="#990000">This is how it will look. </font>

2. <font color="#0033ff"> This is how it will look. </font>

Color Chart I'm Using

Now we will talk about "size" in a font. You can size anywhere from 1-7 and here are some examples:

<font size=7> The biggest </font>

<font size=4> The middle </font>

<font size=1> The smallest </font>

This is a Webtv Tag.
Now we will talk about "transparency" in a font tag. Transparency allows the back ground to show through your font. You can assign it numbers from 0 (not transparent) to 100 (fully transparent). Here are some examples:

<font transparency=40>This is how it Looks</font>

<font transparency=20>This is how it Looks</font>

<font transparency=80>This is how it Looks</font>

Lets play
Here are some examples of using all the above:

1.<font color="#005500" size=5 transparency=70> This is how it would look!</font>

2.<font color="#000077" size=3 transparency=50> This is how it would look!</font>

3.<font color="#663300" size=1 transparency=30> This is how it would look!</font>

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