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My Wonderful Homepage

Hi, my name is Gabrielle, but my friends usually call me Gabe or Bri. I turned 17 on September 16th, and I am a senior in high school (finally!). If you want to see my most recent (Sept 99) school picture, just go here. And for my OTHER yearbook pic (haha!), here it is, just don't laugh too hard! And for all my friends, my Shout Outs!!!!! Well, enjoy!

All About Me

Some of my favorite things include playing piano and going on the internet. I also love traveling, watching tv and going to work (I am a busser at the local country club)

I used to like the movie Titanic an awful lot, as you can see on my Titanic Quiz Page, which was created while I was still an avid fan. Unfortunately, seeing it over 200 times while it played for six months in my theatre sort of ruined the movie for me. I can recite every word by heart, though, which is fun.

My Favorite Tv Shows: My favorite shows are Will and Grace, Drew Carey Show, Ally McBeal, Whose Line is it Anyway?, and Friends. Oh, and now that I have cable, I LOVE The Box, and MTV.

My Favorite Movies: My favorite movies are all three Die Hards, Gattaca, Robin Hood Men in Tights, The Truman Show (another movie that played at my theatre), Empire Records, The Breakfast Club, Jurassic Park, and Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer (my favorite line is 'Let's be independent together!').

Please remember, this page is always under construction
This page last updated December 1, 2000

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Lotsa fun stuff:

Tests and Quizzes:

Do you think you are a nerd? Take the Nerdity test to find out.

This is another one of my pages, built soon after Titanic came out. It is My Little Titanic (the movie) Quiz.

This is my friend Jess's Broadway Quiz. It is a quiz based on many broadway shows including Rent, Les Miserables, and Cats. Just how smart do you think you are?
Movies and Celebrities:

I love movies (I even work in a movie theater). I love reading about them, getting clips from them, and a lot of other fun stuff. With Sony Pictures' Webpage you can do all that and more!

Sesame Street:

Jessica and I have ALSO created another page. It is an Elmo Shrine. Jessica and Gabe's Unofficial Elmo Site.

This page is only on here because of my pure hatred towards it. The Bert Is Evil page is one you are NEVER to go into!!
Small Businesses:

This is the webpage for a product my mom has created, known as CoverCharge. If you are a regular credit card user, this may be of some help to you.

This is Jess's Dad's business...Davis Consulting.
Other Homepages:

My cousin Mandy is in school at Wake Forest University in North Carolina. She also has her own homepage. Amanda Epstein's Homepage.

My friend Jessica has her own homepage also. She has got some great links, and some fun things too. Check out Jessica's Wonderful Homepage.

Jessica's friend Bonnie ALSO has a homepage. Check out Bonnie Lander's Nifty-Neato Homepage.

My friend Jerimie has an awesome webpage, so take a look at it here.

This is my older sister Rachael's homepage.

people since August, 1997
