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Summer Projects Inc. Home

Registration Info.
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We are planning to create a CD with original music and distribute them, maybe sell them on a stand, and we are also currently thinking of creating a scrap book. We would also appreciate a $1-$3 donation. This is only voluntary so we can get supplies. If any members have any craft supplies, please try to bring them to the first meeting. We have already passed put the fliers for SPI. Please try to register by the deadline; Tuesday, June 15th. We are looking forward to a great summer in SPI 2004.

One more thing. There is a problem with the web server so that the section of the website called "Registration Info." comes up as "Discussions" on some computers. Just know that the "Discussions" section of the site is Registration Info.

Updated Last: 6/10/04



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SPI Copyright Neil Sethi, Shivani Lalloo, Akshaya Murli
For problems or questions regarding this web contact [ProjectEmail].
Last updated: 06/10/04.
