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Nothing Like A Good Old Fashioned Protest

The Issue: A commemorative cattle drive along the beach which includes sensitive aboriginal sites (shell middens) and a threatened species (the hooded plover, which lays its eggs right on the sand (ok, maybe there's a good reason it's almost extinct...), and now numbers less than 2,000 individuals). The event is commemorative of the 200th anniversary of the first coastal cattle drive, which was back then the only way to supply the mining camps with meat. This protest occurred March 1st near Arthur River on Tassie's Northwest coast. It ended peacefully, but not after some concern about the locals saying they wanted to throw some folks off the narrow bridge to teach them a lesson. Below: the cattle, mostly herefords, and not much smarter than U.S cows, although their accent was tough to decipher after a few beers. Yes, the cows drink heavily here too.

The Players

Here we see the time-honored split between locals (on the right, of course) and aboriginal and non-aborigianl types (logically on the left...). The red/black/yellow flag is the aboriginal native flag. In the foreground is the 1/2 mile long, narrow Arthur River Bridge, across which the cows were driven. If you know anything about cows, their general claustrophobic nature, and aversion to colorful things flapping wildly in the breeze, you might sympathize here with the locals who kept yelling at the lefties to haul in their flags...

Multiple Use

Ah, ya gotta love it, don'tcha? These guys are all for those traditional uses like cattle drives, off-road vehicle use, and the like. The guy on the right has nothing to do with cattle in fact. He rides an ATV.

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