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:: NaTuraL BorN KiLLerS ::                                                                           :: NaTuraL BorN KiLLerS ::

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- Lieutenant Colonel Hawk -


-= [NBK] =-   -=News Station=-




5/24/2003 Website We have updated the Rank Insignias in the members page. They are still the USMC insignias, but a little more sharper.
5/23/2003 Website Barrel has developed a new flash Screen Shot show. Click here to view it. Tell us what you think! It takes a while to load, even for fast access internet connection.
5/19/2003 Recruits A new list of recruits is in. E-3-Deadi, E-1-Sid, and E-2-Snip,  into  [SOPS], also we'd like to welcome Dark into the Air Force. :: Members Page ::
5/18/2003 [NBK] Okay everyone! Barrel is back so n0ow he can fix the site. I think we have had a lot that has happened over the past two weeks. First, i know that D-o-G has gotten us a dedi server. It is constantly changing but he will update us on the IP & Password. Check it out at NBK Servers! Secondly I'd like to announce, me, Barrel, and Meio Maluco, a fellow OFP Player, are starting a mission named something along the lines of Police and Mafia. Come back later for more details!



[NBK] would like to welcome two new recruits. Lance Corporal Winkle, and Private B17. Welcome to the clan guys.
5/4/2003 Clan Match [NBK] had a clan match with [MMN] - Come back later for results.
5/2/2003 [NBK] Well, not a lot is going on today... I just feel I need to post something because I haven't in three days. Ill change it if anything happens.
4/29/2003 [NBK] Members Killa B has been promoted to E-3(Lance Corporal), from Private. Good job!
4/28/2003 [NBK] Members Two things happened today: First, I'd like to congratulate Killa D, he made E-7 (Master Gunnery Sergeant) Way to go! Second, I'd like to let everyone out there know we are now entered into the OFPL!! Lets get those scores up there guys.
4/24/2003 [NBK] The new :: NBK :: Clan Radio is up, check out its homepage! :: Clan Radio :: Want to become a DJ? Ask Colonel Barrel, and he will help get you set up! 
4/23/2003 [NBK] NBK has opened its doors to all of Operation Flashpoint. This means we have opened for the divisions of ofp such as Cold War Crisis, and Resistance, also future OFP 2.


[NBK] The NBK website has sharpened things up! Starting now, you will find the NBK Website a little more organized. Oh yes, and please send me any request on the website ( this is going out to the NBK clan members)


Clan Matches NBK beat the Army of Honor {AoH} In a clan match. NBK finished out 3/1. Not to mention it was just Barrel and Scope vs. three {AoH} - Clan Matches Page


[NBK] Barrel came out with three new maps! They're excellent claim users from the GameSpy Lobby. Go ahead! See for yourself. Check out the clan downloads page.


           Greetings all, and welcome to the :: Natural Born Killers :: Web site. 

- This clan is run under the authority of the presiding leader, Lieutenant General Scope -

News Archive

* News Update *


  Website is updated after two weeks of delay.



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