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[m0nk | 2/18/03 | 1:05am]
On Saturday's at 2PM cent .HACK//SIGN airs on Cartoon Network. Pronounced dot-hack-sign, the anime series explains the events that led up to a PS2 RPG called .hack.

I will add more stuff tommorrow so for now im out.

VERY little is known about Aura, what we do know (sorta) is that she is in fact Tsukasa's guardian. She may also be the child we keep seeing in the real world. Aura is a major character in the world of .hack, for many things revolve around her and her "Awakening."

BT is a female sorceress who always seems to have a hidden agenda. Sometimes she seems to be helping out the heroes, sometimes the villains. But one thing that seems to always be on her mind is finding The Key of the Twilight. She and Bear share some kind of past, as well as her and Sora. Apparently she and Sora used to be partners, till one day she betrayed Sora, and now they are not on the same terms. She uses Sora for information, as well as playing "hard to get" with him. As to if she is really interested in Sora, or just toying with him, has yet to be seen.

Ahh, the Puchigusos, how cute are they? They are pets that can be raised by players in "The World." Like real pets they need love and affection and good nurturing to grow and mature. When they mature enough, their use to a player is no longer needed, and are released into the wild. Mostly seen as a transportation and companion by the players in "The World," they come in various shapes and sizes, apparently.

Ginkan is the leader of the Scarlet Knights, and is often seen with Subaru. He went up against Tsukasa- and was deleted from the system- in other words killed, but he comes back as the user has a backup of his character. He seems to want to see Tsukasa dead/deleted, while his superior does not agree with him. He is a violent character with some power over other players.

Sora is the games PK (Player Killer), he is one of those characters in online games that lives on killing other people's characters and other such mischief. Sora also is looking for The Key of the Twilight- although claims he does not want to use it- just be the one to find it. He seems to constantly be chasing BT, and wanting her member address- but she will not give it up. He has been both helpful and harmful to our heroes, more out for his own personal gain that to help anybody.

Subaru is a system moderator and the leader of the Scarlet Knights. She also has access to some of the system's information, but not all of it, and is not to let such information out to the normal users. Not much is known about her at this time. She has a lot of authority as the Knights must answer to her and she gives them orders. Yet, she is not always with the knights. There are occasions when she does go off alone- but this seems to be a rare occurrence. How long she has been a moderator is unknown, yet she does not seem to user her position of power against other players much.

Tsukasa is the main character in .hack//SIGN. He’s a contradiction in many ways: he’s a Wave Master (Juumontsukai or spell-caster) who doesn’t use magic; he’s wary but kind; shy but fierce. He’s clearly suffered some sort of trauma in the past, but never speaks of it. And most contradictory of all, Tsukasa may not even be a “he” at all…

A20 is a minor character, She is a newbie who's tryin to show off to her friends. She is in a manner of speaking a dingbat