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*** welcome to Martyn Phillips web page***                                                      ***this web page made by Atiqullah as simple thanks to him because of his friendship relationship***                                                                       *** thank you! two small words given to tell you how much your kindness and caring spirit are appreciated***

This simple web page I make on your way, hopping that maybe it will brighten your day, with it come happiness, Love and good cheer. Wishing you laughter, throughout the whole year.

Not a tear in your eye, But a smile on your face. One that's so bright and can, light up the darkest place Laughter ringing, so loud and so true. That no one around you could ever be blue.

Just remember these wishes, I'm sending your way. Just hoping that maybe, you'll have a nice day!

Thank you for your sponsorship invitation to Australia 

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Thank You! Two small words given

to tell you How much your kindness And caring spirit are appreciated.

Thank You! Some people give only when asked, You like the waterfall flow ever with giving kindness. Allowing your grace and wonder to fulfill the needs of all without asking for any return. Thank you  for all that you do.

Thank s for every things of you!
If I am thankful for one thing, I know that this is true; I'm thankful God has blessed me, with such a friend as you.
He has given to my life, Blessings I cannot explain; For I am least deserving, And yet His love remains.

The thankfulness is the word that we can appreciate our friends’ kindness feeling and I am thankful of your friendship, you are so great and it is strongly true that you deserve it.


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This web page has four pages  home page - friendship page - wishes page  Photo page - click on  one of them to see more...