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this section is basically for all the stuff i want to put on my site but don't really fit into any of the other main catergories.... we'll just have to see what ends up here as time progresses!!!!!

Dec 2006 - time has progressed and i have decided to use this space to put up all my writings and poetry... maybe you'll like some of it!

Jan 2009 - I have moved all my poetry to a separate page. everything here now is by other people, just things i want to keep track of.

Pot Luck

Franklin's Quotes
The Cats Party
Special Ones
Niagara Trip
My pics, mostly Xena...
Xena Convention 2003
The Odd Spot
Eurotrip - sept 2005
Greys Anatomy
My Pets
Aspects in Language...
Our Strange Lingo
Phoney Phonetics
Why is English so hard to learn?
Candidate for a Pullet Surprise

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