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We have formed a chatlist for all ex-school and classmates who graduated in the year of 1963. If you are one of them, please join us so we can rekindle old friendship, reminisce our schooldays and share our lives in spite of the distance which may separate us.
Click here to join our chatlist or use this banner below:

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Acknowledgement : This website is created with the contribution and help from present foundation members of our chatlist, namely - Lee Fok Chong, Low Hoon Foo, Chee Chin Har, Khiooh Siew Lim (Choong Chit Siew), Yong Shu Yin, Yew Hoo Sang and Minson Yoong. If you, as a former student of the school, have materials, suggestions and ideas to contribute we would love to hear from you. Kindly contact Jade.