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Tribute To Mama


Mother's Love.


I just want to let you know,
how lucky that I am,
to have a beautiful mommy like you.


A Mother Shares Our Hopes Of Making Dream Come True.


Mum's Love

To My Mother

You always told me
To never give up
That I was worth so much more
Than I realized
You always siad
That I can be
Anything I wanted         
And no
Can stop me 
You always spoke to me
With pride in your voice
As you told me that
I'm going to be somebody          
You made me believe
That I was more than         
A girl in the world         
I am a women
On the verge of something great 
You always listened
When I wanted to talk         
Even pushing me
When I didn't
You always encouraged me
To be strong and independent         
Let nothing get
In my way
I only hope I can be
Half the woman you are.
I Love You Mum And I Will Alway Love.
Love Alpha.