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About Unheardof

Name: Justin Howard Sanderson
Age: 23
Gender: Male


I was born July 8th 1977 in Portland Oregon. I have Lived in Oregon all my life. I started writing when I was about 14 or so. I started writing more "seriously" after I was married. My goal is to get feedback about my poetry. I am looking to write better poetry, so as to be published one day. I am currently working on a book for young adult's. If you have any other questions please feel free to email me.

My Wife
My wife's name is Danielle. I met my Danielle because our family's were/are friends. We have been childhood friends as a result. We started doing more stuff together after high school (which we attended different high schools). She became my best friend. We were married on November 27th of 1997.

My Son
My son's name is Ethan Micheal Howard Sanderson. Ethan was born on October 16th 1999.
Ethan was born a month early. He has had no health problems as a result so we are very blessed.
Ethan is a very energetic child. He amazes our entire family with his intelligence. Ethan has begun talking he is saying cute words like, Papa, Moma, Grandpa, Grandma, baby, more, please, doctor....just to name a few.

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