The Center of the Universe
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The Center of the Universe

As perceived by Scott Shanks

Don't be critical; this place is, after all, for my benefit. So be nice, enjoy the beer recipes, read about my Amber game, look at my son's stories, and have a good time.

Places to go:

Legends of Amber has called for players...the bidding has begun, how can the universe be safe with me loose amongst the shadows?

Equilibrium, my Amber DRPG PBEM campaign, has begun its search for new family members. Get in on the double dealing!

Angelfire- Easiest Free Home Pages

Word: Literary, Grotesque, Slapdash

The Straight Dope--Uncle Cecil's wisdom!

The Onion: All the News they can make up.

Here's an on-line English dictionary, and a Ghaidlig-English dictionary.

New to the world: Michael's Fine Literature.

And now, starring in her very own web page, Stephanie!

The obligatory and inane chatter by and about me.

Some wonderful pictures of Delirium from The Sandman, including my favoritest picture anywheres.

It seems that only

People have hit this page so far.
Do you 'spose the number would be bigger if
I coded the html in the nude?

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