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Dedicated to a Girl Named


(Elizabeth Lane)


This page is devoted to the memory of a very special

little girl. With courage and strength of an angel this

little girl fought against lukemnia, but eventually lost her

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14 yrs. ago God smiled on our part of the world and sent an angel to Mike and Brenna. He knew when the time was right, that his angel would touch in a supernatural way a great many lives. She did not let him down. In her own unique way, she turned each of us around and for a moment, made a difference that will last a lifetime. In 14yrs., she changed the way most of us look at life, our children, our families, but most of all, ourselves. She taught us how to see, to feel, and an even greater gift than that, she let us know what if feels like to be touched by an angel.

written for Sissy by trinmybest

Dedicated to Sissy
May 29,1998

Kevin and Debbie Husk and kids

An Angel On Your Shoulder

Dedicated In Memory
May 29,1998
Jennie & Richie
(Kermie & RichieBronx)

Dedicated in Memory
May 30,1998
James and Mary Roberts

A is for Angelic...
N is for Noble.....
G is for Gracious.
E is for Endearing
L is for Loving....

put them together and you have an angel

Dedicated in loving memory
May 30,1998
Anita Glenn

Dedicated in Memory
May 30, 1998
with love

Little Angels

When God calls little children
to dwell with Him above,
We mortals sometime question
the wisdom of His love,
For no heartache compares with
the death of one small child
Who does so much to make our world,
seem wonderful and mild
Perhaps God tires of calling
the aged to His fold
so He picks a rosebud,
before it can grow old.
God knows how much we need them,
and so He takes but few
To make the land of Heaven more
beautiful to view
Believing this is difficult still
somehow we must try,
The saddest word mankind knows
will always be"Goodbye."
So when a little child departs,
we who are left behind
Must realize God loves children
Angels are hard to find.

Dedicated to the memory of Sissy
May 31,1998
Al and Pat Rich

Dedicated in Loving Memory
June 1,1998

Aili Mendede

Dedicated in Memory of our own little Angel,

June 1, 1998

Nancy Jesenovec

Thou dost show me the path of life;
in thy presence there is fulness
of joy, in thy right hand are
pleasures for evermore.

Psalms 16:11

Dedicated by
Debi Sylvester
May 31,1998

In loving memory

Suzette Perry

June 2, 1998

Dedicated on
June 2, 1998
Lisa Barker
Smiles are the key to laughter,and laughter is what Sissy would have wanted for each of us.

Dedicated in Memory
May 29,1998

Pat Rich

There has been such a tremendous response to this page that a second and third page have been added, so please click onto the next button to view more of the dedications.

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