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Two Small Feet

You and I meet
on an empty street
Two small feet
between us be
Not so far
Not so near.
I like you
right where you are

Life Never Teaches Us

The chains of our hearts
never let us get
very far apart
This is a love
that will not break

But life never teaches us
not to want what we can not have
I can look into your eyes,
but that will not
make you mine.

What can I say or do
to get through to the
heart that I know is in you?
When will fate step in
and let my love flow in?


Two small stars in
the early evening sky.
They are so close together
yet so far apart.

I am one star
you are the other
the only difference
we can get closer.

Page 1
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Page 7
Page 9
Page 10 Artwork
Page 11 Photo Album
Page 12 Poetry

All poetry and other writings here are copywritten 1990-2004© by L Murray