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Katherine's Event Journal 

May 21st, 2005: I think we already established that I suck, right? :P (re: my lack of updates) Ok, so the Gathering of Fools notes are up, you can access them from the main page. Deb and Kiena and I went to Daovall last weekend and had a blast! Many thanks to House Daos and Preston, Chris, Lupe, and Tom over at the Rampant Lion for their kind hospitality. We had our final Gathering planning meeting today, arranging rides and gear transpo and things we have planned to do at the event. We decided against the UHaul since Thorn and Rose decided to go to Egils instead. Deb decided it would be less costly for her to just make multiple trips in her van. We plan to stage gear this week and hopefully load up Deb's van on Thursday night. Anyone travelling with us is welcome to come crash for the night over at Grave Manor so we can get a fresh start in the morning, I'm thinking slumber/pizza party! :D Of course, I'm broke, so about all I *can* do is think about it :P . Also present at the meeting were: Airna, the Deacon, Glyndon, Darius, Talia, Jackie, Naz, Deb, Kiena. Tim and Rebecca and Merry and Keirnan showed up later. Then Jackie helped me sort through and condense my gear totes. Woo! Well, I guess that's about it for now. Hey if anyone talks to Jeremiah, tell him to CALL ME! I still need encampment space information from Lunasin.
Foolishly Yours,
Katherine Wells de Risio

April 13, 2005: So do I suck, or what? :P I know I know, I haven't updated in ages. I've had a lot to deal with lately in mundania, like my radio show, my car broke again, and Airna had a baby girl!!! Daisy Jo Madison was born on April 4th! So good, bad, good. And one more bad (that will hopefully end up being good): I'm leaving my job of 4 years to throw myself into the great unknown, which is relevant here because it will affect my participation this eventing season. The way things look now, I will have the time but not the money. My last day is April 24th, but don't worry, I already have *two* interviews lined up, one this week one next week.
In other news, I have taken it upon myself (and have been met with agreement from all clan members I have spoken to so far) to declare Mistress Debra Ambassador for Clan Risio. She has been doing some fantastic networking for the clan, and her efforts deserved the recognition of an official title. Also, we now have *3* heads of house (4 if you count Darius, 5 if you count Cole) under one roof, Myself (Katherine Wells of House of Fools), my husband (Deacon Luther Iberius of House of Alchemy), and Glyndon (Mistress of House Spartikus). The 7th Annual Gathering of Fools this weekend (BE THERE!!!) will reflect that. If any other heads of house in the council wish to speak to the assembled group, please contact me to make arrangements. The schedule of events for this weekend is as follows: Saturday 4/16 4pm - Meeting of the Clan, led by House of Fools. No alcohol is to be consumed during the meeting. At approximately 7pm, the alcohol testing party will begin. (We have to make sure our liquor supplies aren't poisionous before event season!) I do not at this time have a new HoF house drink to introduce, so if/when one is required, I will make Spankings. We will be having some newbies in attendance who are interested in learning about the SCA and eventing, so I encourage everyone to dress in garb and if possible, speak forsoothly. Sunday 4/17, the sewing party will begin at 2pm or whenever everyone is coherent enough to participate.
Quentin asked me to convey that he is taking bids on King's X's, come prepared, there should be a finished one on display at the GoF.
Finally, many many thanks to my brother, Cole (master of House of Cards), for providing the first year of ownership of ! ! It's only a redirect to the angelfire site at the moment, but you CAN type in to get here! Yay! And Annie and I both have email addresses.
Anyway, I look forward to a wonderful weekend (despite the cold and rainyness :P ) and I hope to see you all there!!
Foolishly Yours,
Katherine Wells de Risio

March 16, 2005: Ok, so I go to Eugene tomorrow. I was like, I should update my journal. Then I realized, I don't really have anything new to say yet except that Airna's baby shower has been moved to the 26th for logistical reasons (Cole [Airna's brother] and Aubrey [Airna's husband] and Kiena couldn't attend on the 19th). So, there should be a new entry sometime on the 20th, after the MacPherson meeting and the sewing party. Oh, one other thing. I went and checked out the Egil's website and am even more certain of my decision to attend the Gathering instead. Egil's now has some huge complcated "process" for group camping, and Norse Stickball has been discontinued. I'm not necessarily a huge Norse Stickball fan, but it's a tradition, you know? Bah. *big smile* Rah rah Gathering!! Woo hoo! That is all for now.
Foolishly Yours,
Katherine Wells de Risio

March 2, 2005: Crap I really need to get better at updating this. I've got LOTS to talk about, so read on:
The sewing party Saturday the 19th of this month will also be a baby shower! for Airna, who is due to have another baby girl on April 4, 2005!! Bring prezzies, silly games, snack contributions, whatever! Just come help us celebrate the impending birth of our next Foolish Princess! :)
At the February sewing party, I hammered out a period menu for Memorial Day Weekend. I figured since each house was on their own this year and I'd only have Fools to worry about, we are going to revert to my meal plan from several years ago, where you sign up and pay in advance to be on the meal plan, which covers 8-9 meals plus some beverages and snacks (depending on how many people I get to sign up) It's really the only way I can figure to make a period menu work. So far, myself, Deacon Luther, Alistryna, and the BiffieBard have signed up. Email me if you want me to add you to the list. The cost will be $20-25 depending on how many people I have sign up. Monies to be paid 2-3 weeks prior to the event at the latest. It just seems to me that a period menu would add to the experience of the event.
I need to start compiling a list of who all will be joining us at The Gathering this Memorial Day weekend. Use email link above to let me know your plans.
Prereg forms for The Gathering are available online, at The Gathering website. You can do a bunch of people on one form, like if roommates wanna go together or something, like here at Grave Manor. :)
On March 17-18th I plan to go to Eugene (finances willing) and meet with the MacPhearsons. Not sure exactly when yet, it depends on what time I get there and what time they are available and whatnot. Hopefully during the day on the 18th.
Finally, I would be remiss if I didn't at least mention that there are plans in the works for us to do our own event next year, which will be gone over in much greater detail at the Gathering of Fools on April 16th. Ben is working very hard on coming up with a workable outline/business plan. You know, the less-fun parts. :P
Ok, I guess that's it for now. Keep in touch, people, let's see some chatter on those yahoo groups!!
Foolishly Yours,
Katherine Wells de Risio

January 18, 2005: Well, if I wasn't already decided before, I am now! Egil's has set it's merchant row limit at 30 merchants. Really not even worth the bother to go. If anyone knows how many merchants will be at The Gathering, email me. I do hope it's more than 30, so I don't look like a total dolt. ;) If you are one of the sillies who still plan to attend Egil's, the prereg forms are on their website now. :P Ok, that was all. More info when I get it.
Foolishly Yours,
Katherine Wells de Risio

January 16, 2005:Wow, the things that can change in the space of 4 days. Ok, in the 3 hours I spent with the McPhearsons today, actually. Now the plan is to attend The Gathering this year, and in 2006 hold our own event Memorial Day weekend. Oh, and the MacPhearsons may be joining us for the Gathering of Fools weekend, yay!! Oh yeah, it's gunna be a weekend, with the meeting and party on Saturday, and sewing on Sunday. Shiloh was telling me about these bodices...well anyway, needless to say it should be a great weekend. Well, that's it for me for now, it's past my bedtime. :)
Foolishly Yours,
Katherine Wells de Risio

January 12, 2005: OMG, is it really that time of year again? It must be, I had my first eventing dream. :P But it was a nice one, so I have good feelings about this year's eventing season. Ok, what I need to know from everyone is who is planning what for this Memorial Day weekend. *At this point* I still plan to attend Egil's, but that could change in the coming weeks, depending on input from everyone else, and what info I get from Adiantum. Airna and I also discussed camping as House of Fools this year and not as Clan Risio, everyone to their own households. I have spoken with a few others who have agreed, but I want to hear from everyone!! At this point, events that I am *considering* are as follows:
April 8-10th Privateer's Revel in Barony of 3 Mountains(Portland Metro area); May 13th-15th Stinky War in Canton of Nordholt (Albany area); May 27th-30th Egil's Tourney Barony of Adiantum; June 3-5th Dragon's Mist Defender's Tourney Shire of Dragon's Mist (Washington County); July 1-3rd An Tir West War, location TBA; July 8th-10th Long and the Short of It; July 21st-25th Gypsy/Seadog in Adiantum; Aug 19th-21st Acorn War in Shire of Mountains Edge; Aug 26-28 Lebus in Shire of Cour du Val; and finally, Sept 9th-12th, Autumn War up by Tacoma.
Naturally, there's no way I'm going to get to go to all these events, unless I win a huge lottery and get to quit my job. But those are all the ones I'm interested in.
So EMAIL ME, people! Let me know where things stand.

Foolishly Yours,
Katherine Wells de Risio

To see last years event journal, click HERE