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Today's Child

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Creative Movement

dancing, swaying, stretching, moving

expressive, emotional, inspirational, motivational, rhythmic, harmonic
 music, beats, sounds, vibrations

Why Creative Movement? 

How to Enhance Creative Movement 

  • it is a form of self-expression 
  • it increases self-awareness 
  • it develops storytelling skills 
  • it enhances music and art interpretation 
  • it improves muscle development 
  • it develops problem solving skills 
  • it builds confidence
  • it increases body awareness
  • it enriches interpretation skills   
  • it builds self control 
  • it is a form of communication
  • it enhances a positive self-esteem
  • change the speed of movement (fast, slow)
  • change the space used: height, width (big, little)
  • change the force of the movement (hard, soft)
  • change the directions followed (forward, left)
  • move by oneself or with a partner or group 
  • use a prop (ribbon, bells etc) 
  • change the lighting of the area 
  • add music, rhythms, other sounds 
  • interpret music, a picture, a story, a poem
  • wear a costume
  • photograph / videotape the dance
  • enjoy, acknowledge, encourage, accept 



  • Interpret this picture by Monet.  Are you the wind? the people? the parasol? an emotion?
  • Going on a Lion Hunt: incorporate varying levels of: speeds, directions, height, rhythms to the movements
  • Make a giant circle out of large elastic; hang onto the elastic and move to the music, staying connected 
  • Statue molding: to the beat of a drum, change the position of your body (attending to the rhythm)
  • Create a new species of bird: what will it look like? how will it move? eat?  where will it nest? Be it.
  • Tell a story without using words--focus on the emotions of the story
  • Move to the rhythm of a drum, changing movements
  • Create a giant machine: with each child being a different part, with a different motion, and sound
  • Dramatize clothes on a clothesline drying in the wind, being pulled at by a puppy, falling in the mud
  • Be popcorn popping, bacon frying, leaves falling to the ground in the fall Search for your favourite Music!

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Check out Chapters!

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copyright, 1999: Debbie Roswell