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Why Akio and Utena?

Akio and Utena happen to be my favourite couple from Revolutionary Girl Utena. In fact, I only watch the episodes when they are together. I know lots of people disagree with their pairing, but for some reason I don't. I feel a sense of comfort when they are together,anyway here is the scoop on the two of them.
I think that Akio acutally DID really care about her but his lust for power was greater. I watched the way he'd look and Utena and the way he looked at others. With Utena he seems more peaceful and has a more loving look. If you don't get what I mean, go to the gallery and look at the pictures of them together.
We don't know the whole story behind his engagement. Maybe it was arranged not entirly in his favour.
His sex with others is assumed to be rough and quick, but with Utena he goes slowly and gentle--contrary to what guys out for a piece of ass would do--he even holds her hand through it and doesn't even mind that her mind is elsewhere.
Utena always lights up when Akio comes in and talks to her and when she receives a gift 'supposed to be from Akio' she likes it--which pisses off Touga haha!
When Akio noticed Utena was ever unhappy he came to see her and take her out. He comes to her rescue even!
One thing that bugs me, when Akio says that Utena pursueing him is a sin--not true. The bond of marriage is not complete in God's eyes until the vow and blessing, still, an annulment by the church can be performed if the marriage was seen as not vaild. The purpose of engagement was not created by the church but by society to 'prepare' for marriage by alloting time to co-ordinate and to decide whether or not the couple felt they were ready to wed and be joined forever. A sin is something that goes against the common good. The sins of ommission and commission do NOT relate to Utena loving Akio. One good point--if Akio was soo against Utena being sinful for loving him why did he pursue her, care about her, sleep with her and want to "love her forever" and let her be his princess and why did he seem so scared when she attempted to open the coffin. Why did he want to give her presents and have her near his watchful eye?
Sure at some points he's kinda an ass but if you watched the Science of Sin(yes I'm one of them science/theology students who uses science and religion to explain stuff)you'd understand the problem. Men don't like being shot down. Dios was beloved but was hated by all after he was too weak to fight for them anymore, he became depressed. In the lowest moments of life Satan can penetrate the soul. He attacks when people are weak. Akio was consumed by evil because he felt the reason he was a failure was because he had little power and was sincere. During low points and being consumed with evil the brain works differently. Akio became less caring of others. The reason for all the sex is simple. Children engage in pre-marital sex because they feel a love that is superficial. The body language, which is so important to life, brings a sense of satisfaction to the children. Therefore, they continue for that one moment of bliss and happiness. Children who are hardly hugged by their parents are more likely to do so as a result. Akio felt a need to be comforted.
