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I support Akio! Do you?


Soo cute! I got my Utena/Akio couple from her!

This talented webmistress made the layout for this site. I can't begin to thank her enough. I totally recommend visiting her for you frame needs! ^_~

A HUGE cosplay/anime photo site!

A gorgeous and VERY talented duo. Tons of Sailor Moon and Utena costumes made and worn by them at various conventions.

Lycentia's Sm Web Graphics Shop
A enormous amount of well-done graphics, beautiful layouts and hundreds of game sprites.

Graphics by the Goddesses
A great place to go for tutorials and table layouts!

Utena Network
Contains shrines to the various characters, a great links page and tons of information.

Empty Movement
Home of the biggest Utena picture gallery, a great Akio site and the funniest sillysubs section on the net. You WILL leave with a smile on your face.

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Utena Ring This "Shoujo Kakumei Utena Webring" site is owned by
Silver Angel 902

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