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The Plough
Great Munden, Near Ware, Hertfordshire.
Telephone: 01920 438335 Fax: 01920 438035

The Home Of The Mighty Compton Organ

The Mighty Compton Pipe Organ with Melotone and Grand Piano

The Compton Organ was installed in the Gaumont, Finchley, in 1937 where it was played by some of the great Theatre Organists of the time. Rebuilt in The Plough in 1967 by Compton Technicians, it is the only Pipe Organ of its size and kind in any Public House in the world.

In addition to the light entertainment music associated with Theatre Organs, with their drums, cymbals, xylophones and other effects, the Compton also produces the classical tones of traditional pipe organs.

The array of several hundred organ pipes and ancillary instruments are housed in two chambers, each of about 1400 cubic feet. These are situated behind the shutters (which provide volume control) in the wall near the piano. The playing console has three keyboards surrounded by almost 200 automatically and finger-operated Stop Tabs and Pistons.

Two ranks of pipes were added to the organ - the Krumet and Clarinet. The original muted Trumpet rank was replaced with the Trumpet from the ill-fated Compton organ of the Ritz Cinema, Belfast.

The current specification is:-Solo Chamber: Tibia, Trumpet, Tuba, Clarinet, Krumet, Vox Humana. Accompaniment Chamber: Diapason, Flute, Gamba, Celeste (two ranks).

A grand piano was added, playable from the centre keyboard of the organ console. The piano, built by Marshall & Rose, had lived with another Compton organ at the Ambassador Cinema, Cosham near Portsmouth. In 1998 the piano was totally rebuilt to the 1936 specification and sounds well, both with the organ and as a solo instrument.

In addition to the pipes, a Melotone Unit produces electronically a further selection of tones through a horn loudspeaker in the pitched roof - still working with the 1937 valve amplifier! The Compton Melotone concept led to the development of purely electronic organs and keyboards now so familiar and technically sophisticated. Various tuned and non-tuned percussions also feature including Glockenspiel, Xylophone, Sleigh Bells, Drums, Cymbals, Triangle and other novelties such as Klaxon Horn, Train Whistle, Birds and Steamboat associated with the accompaniment of silent films..

Several recordings have been made at The Plough and the most recent, featuring Dr. Arnold Loxam, is available at the Bar.

We welcome you to The Plough and wish you a pleasant stay.

Telephone: 01920 438335 Fax :01920 438035 E-mail: Please bookmark our Website -

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The Plough

The Mighty Compton Organ

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