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Pretender Story Line

This is the story line for the Pretender. It is the best I could do, hope it's good. It is divided into seasons, so watch out if you haven't seen the whole 3rd season yet. If I have any info wrong or missing, please e-mail me.

Season 1- In the first saeson, we learn about Jarod. We learn that he is a Pretender, a genius with the ability to become any one that he wants to be. We meet Miss Parker, Syndney, Broots, Angelo, Mr. Parker, Mr. Raines, and of course, Jarod. Jarod escapes though and tries to find his family and help people out at the same time. He discovers new things and he loves them. He also is trying to keep away from the Centre. Later on in the season, he finds out that he has a brother, Kyle. He helps Kyle to escape and he gets in contact with his mother and sister, Emily. He sets up a meeting place with them. On the way to the place, the van that he is in wrecks and catches fire. Kyle is caught in it and tells him to go and leave. The van explodes and Jarod thinks that Kyle has dies. When he gets to the meeting place, he is cornered in an alley by Mr. Raines, who threatens to kill him. Jarod starts to leave and Mr. Raines was going to shoot, but someone shot him. Well, Jarod runs up to the cab and gets to see his mother for like a second. Then there are some sweepers and Jarod tells them to go and he gets away.

Season 2-In season two we first meet Mr. Lyle and Brigette. Jarod continues to help people out and tries to find out more about his family. Mr. Lyle gets caught up in one of his plans trying to make a lot of money dealing with some people. Jarod steals the money that he was working with and Lyle gets in big trouble. He disapears for quite some time. Then Brigette tries to kill Mr. Parker. Miss Parker stops her and Brigette disapears for a while too. Then Jarod send Miss Parker and Broots an invitation to a reuinion. Lyle had graduated in that year and everyone had thought he was dead. Well, Miss Parker finds him and confronts him. She was going to shoot him but he said not to. He turned around and then was going to shoot her, but she shot him first. They found a head and a thumbless hand, so they thought that it was Mr. Lyle. Later Lyle lured Jarod to a town and caught him. He was going to cut off his thumb and make him his partner. But Kyle saved him. Then Miss Parker, Sydney, and Broots came. In the end Mr. Lyle shot Kyle and and killed him. But Kyle got a shot a Lyle too. He disapeered. Then Jarod donated Kyles heart. Later Jarod found out that the Centre was making another pretender. He rescued the kid and he found the Red Files. Miss Parker found him and he told her that she had a twin brother. After they escaped, Jarod went back to the Centre to question Mr. Fenigore. There was an explosion in the basement that was really set by Sydney.

Season 3-The third season starts off with Jarod in an asylum for being crazy. Miss Parker, Broots, and Mr. Parker were alive. They haven't found Sydney (supposedly). Later Miss Parker finds him in the renewal wing. He was blind. She had found out that he had planted the bomb. He hooked up with Lyle and they blamed Gar for it. Miss Parker found out that her twin brother was Lyle. Jarod was faking being crazy and helped solve a murder. He kept helping people out and getting away from the Centre. Miss Parker found out that her father was going to marry Brigette. She was not very happy. Brigette had told Mr. Parker that she was infertile. But Miss Parker found out that she wasn't.

Miss Parker fell in love with a man named Thomas Gates. Jarod encuraged her to stay with him even though her Dad and family didn't want her to. Jarod met up with Argyle and helped him. Thomas asked Miss Parker to move to Oregon with him and she wanted to. But Mr. Parker didn't want her to and tried to pay Thomas to leave her alone. But Thomas wouldn't take it. Then Mr. Parker and Lyle came and said that she could go. But very soon she found Thomas dead on her porch. Jarod helped her cope, but she swore revenge to whoever did it.

Later Miss Parker finds out that Brigette is pregnant. Once again she is ver upset. Jarod finds out where his father is and finds him. He also finds out that the Centre made a clone of him. He and his father kidnap the clone. But the Centre captures Jarod's father. Miss Parker questions him about shooting her mother, but he never gives her a straight answer. So Jarod takes Mr. Parker and says that if Sydney doesn't meet him at 3 pm at a certain place with his father, he will kill Mr. Parker. So Sydney takes him. But Brigette overhears Raines telling Willy to shoot Mr. Parker. She tells Sydney and Lyle and they go after him. Miss Parker jumps in front of her father and is shot in the back. Jarod's father and his clone get away, but they capture Jarod.

To see more about the characters, go to charactors and actors.