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Episode Guide

This is the episode guide. If any information is wrong, please e-mail me.

Season One

The Pilot Episode-Jarod escapes from the Centre, steals money from the Centre by manipulating the N. Y. Stock Market. He also askes Sydney for information about his parents.
Every Picture Tells A Story-Jarod investigates the truth about a boating accident. Miss Parker finds out that her mother's death was not a suicide.
Flyer-Jarod poses as a pilot to find out about the death of a pilot. He also finds that Mr. Raines knows alot of his past.
Curious Jarod-Jarod poses as a security guard in Las Vegas. He also tries to find out who the Man in the Yellow Hat is in the Curious George, concluding it is Sydney.
The Paper Clock-Jarod is a lawyer who helps a mentally challenged man. He and Sydney were going to make a trade with information about his parents, but Miss Parker stops him.
To Serve and Protect-Jarod pretends to be a bad cop to clear the name of a security guard who was framed and also lands Miss Parker in jail. He tries locates his mother.
A Virus Among Us-Jarod tries to find a missing scientist. He turns a hotel room into a giant roach motel and traps Miss Parker and Sam inside.
Not Even a Mouse-Jarod helps find out who killed a homeless man and celebrates his first Christmas.
Mirage-Jarod is a skydiving instructor who helps find out the cause of death for one of the owners.
The Better Part of Valor-Jarod is a fire fighter who finds the cause of death of another fire fighter. Raines assigns Angelo to help find Jarod.
Potato Head Blues-Jarod is a bomb squad expert who is trying to capture a serial bomber. There is a leak in the Centre and Raines' gets Angelo to try to find out who it is.
Prison Story-Jarod is a prison guard trying to clear a deathrow inmate. Miss Parker learns she has an ulcer and blames it on Jarod.
Bazooka Jarod-Jarod poses as a Navy officer. Miss Parker finds that Jarod knows a lot about her mother that he hasn't told her.
Ranger Jarod-Jarod tries to find a lost student in the woods and falls in love with his search partner which makes Miss Parker jealous.
Jaroldo-Jarod pretends to be a TV news reporter to investigate a death. Miss Parker remembers her mother funeral while she is trapped in a basement that is going to be destroyed.
Under the Reds-Jarod is an EMT person trying to find out what happened to a student who fell into a coma. He helps Jacob come out of his coma and Miss Parker find out about him. Raines' orders her to kill him, but she can't.
Keys-Jarod is a marine patrol officer and captures a man who was killing Haitian refuges, but a hurricane get him stuck on an island with a sick girl. Miss Parker wants to capture him, but learns that her mother had been beaten a few months before her death.
Unhappy Landings-Jarod poses as a US Marshall to protect a person who is going to testify. Broots is looking for children that Catherine Parker tried to save, while Jarod remembers meeting a boy named Kyle.
Jarod's Honor-Jarod pretends to be a hitman to save the real hitman's victims. Miss Parker and Sydney learn that Jacob was threatened by Raines just before his accident. Jarod also uses a private detective to try to find his mother.
Baby Love-Jarod helps a baby and his mother, after he found the baby. Sydney, Miss Parker, and Broots find Sub-Level 27, with Jarods' help.
The Dragon House-Jarod is a FBI agent who is helping to find a crazy man. He finds out that this man is Kyle, his brother. The Centre re-captures Kyle and Jarod helps him escape again. Kyle 'dies' when the van that they were in explodes. Jarod had set up a meeting with his family, but Raines found out and threatened to kill Jarod. Jarod leaves and someone shoots Raines' air tank and it explodes. But Jarod misses the meeting because of it.
Season Two

Back From the Dead Again-Jarod helps is an anatomy profesor to find out who killed a young man before. Mr. Parker disapears and a man named Mr. Lyle comes to help Miss Parker, Sydney, and Broots locate Jarod. He also gets a new cleaner, Brigette, to help. Jarod also remembers experiments that Raines and Lyle did to him.
Scott Free-Jarod is a one-armed safe cracker to help a man out. Miss Parker shows Lyle and Brigette up.
Over the Edge-Jarod is a rescue worker who finds out why another member of the teams tries to kill himself. Miss Parker, Broots, and Sydney are questioned about the shooting of Raines.
Exposed-Jarod poses as a photographer to find out who is stalking the models. Miss Parker goes to Maine to try to find her father, but instead finds her mother's friend, Ben, who she suspects might be her real father.
Nip and Tuck-Jarod is a plastic surgeon to find out what happened to one young girl. Also, Broots was stalked.
Past Sim-Jarod finds that Lyle was selling his old sims to whoever would pay the most. He gets him in trouble by stealing the money he was going to use in a deal and Lyle disapears.
Collateral Damage-Jarod is a army ranger who helps clear a Vet's name. Miss Parker babysits Broots' daughter, Debbie.
Hazards-Jarod pretends that he is a hazard waste man to find out about an 'accident' that killed three people. Sydney had the chance to kill the man that played with his and Jacob's mind when they were little, but he couldn't.
F/X-Jarod was a stunt corodinator. He helped Miss Parker find out more about Angelo's past.
Indy Show-Jarod poses as a Indy driver to find out about an accident that was caused by a faulty brakeline. Jacob comes out of his coma, but dies shortly afterwords.
Gigolo Jarod-Jarod pretends to be a gigolo while trying to find out about the death of a little boy.
Toy Surprise-Jarod tries to help a disturbed teen. Meanwhile, Miss Parker stops the plan to assassinate her father, which occurs the aniversary of her mother's death.
A Stand Up Guy-Jarod is a FBI agent who goes undercover as a mob counterfeighter. Lyle comes back and steals a chip with information from the Centre. Mr. Parker tells Miss Parker to kill him.
Amnesia-Jarod gets amnesia and is saved by a man, Argyle. But Argyle tries to sell him back to the Centre. Also Miss Parker, Sydney and Broots are subjects of the T-board, a questioning session.
Bulletproof-Jarod pretends to be a SWAT member to investigate the death of another member. Meanwhile, Sydney finds that he has a son.
Silence-Jarod is a phycologist to help a boy who witnessed a murder. Miss Parker, Sydney, and Broots find out about another person who was one of Raines' subjects in SL27.
Crash-Jarod finds out what caused an airplane to crash. Miss Parker and Broots go to a reunion that they find out was Lyle. They learn a lot about his past.
Stolen-Jarod poses as a millionaire to get the guys son back and remembers his own kiddnapping by the Centre.
Red Rock Jarod-Jarod and Miss Parker are lured to Arizona by Mr. Lyle. He captures Jarod and was going to make him his partner at the Centre but Kyle saves him. Then when Miss Parker comes Lyle captures her and it's a stand off between Kyle and Lyle. Miss Parker kicks Lyle and then Kyle shoots him, but Lyle shoots at Jarod. Kyle jumps in front of the gun and is shot. He dies and Jarod donates his heart to a boy who needs it. Lyle disapears again.
Bank-Jarod tells Miss Parker to meet him in a bank. When she gets there, she sees Mr. Fenigore, who was her mother's friend and knew stuff about both her and Jarod. They were going to question him, but the bank gets held up. The robber shoots Fenigore when he tries to run from Miss Parker and Jarod, but he doesn't die. He gives Jarod a key to his safe deposit box and they find an envelope with information about Jarod in it and statements that say that Mr. Parker had been giving him money. He agrees to tell them everything if they get him out safely.
Bloodlines-Jarod finds that the Centre is going to make another pretender and rescues the kid. Angelo is getting better with help from Sydney. He escapes and goes to Jarod. Miss Parker finds them and Jarod tells her that she has a twin brother, either Angelo or Lyle. Jarod saves the child and goes to the Centre to find the truth about himself. He meets with Miss Parker and they both ask Fenigore questions. His answer upsets Miss Parker and she goes chasing Jarod into the basement. Unknowinly to them, Sydney has planted a bomb. When it goes off, Miss Parker, Mr. Parker, Raines, Sydney, Broots, Jarod, and some sweepers are down there.
Season Three

Crazy-Jarod is in a mental home and reveals most everything about the Centre and it's people although no one believes him. Everyone except Gar survived the bomb with minor injories(Sydney is blind). Miss Parker finds that her brother is Lyle. Lyle re-appears to help with the pursuit of Jarod.
Hope and Prey-Jarod is a bounty hunter to save a man who knew his father. Miss Parker finds more out about her mother.
Once In a Blue Moon-Jarod has to become a profiler to track a man who is copycatting a serial killer. The real killer is in prison and Jarod has to try to get it out of him. Jarod did the sim for it when he was still in the Centre.
Someone To Trust-Jarod pretends to be an arsonist to find out about a bomb that killed a man. Also Miss Parker finds more disturbing information about Lyle.
Betrayal-Jarod has to protect Broots from a madman who killed one of his friends at the Centre when he was still there. He also has to stop him from spreading a virus.
Parole-Jarod is an ex-con who is trying to find out about another ex-con's death. Sydney gets to talk to his son.
Homefront-Jarod is a gun dealer who helps a woman get her children back from her husband.
Flesh and Blood-Jarod helps Sydney get his son back from a milita group that took him and some others. Lyle sets a trap for Jarod but doesn't catch him.
Murder 101-Jarod is a college profesor to teach a course on murder. He has to find who really killed the first profesor. Miss Parker finds that her father is getting married to Brigette.
Mr. Lee-A man named Mr. Lee is trying to capture Jarod by asking people that Jarod has helped to talk to him.
Assassin-Jarod has to help a woman whos children got kidnapped. Miss Parker meets a man named Thomas.
Unsinkable-Jarod meets up with Argyle in Atlanic City to help him take his father to see the pope. Miss Parker gets more involved with Thomas.
Pool-Jarod learns how to play pool so he can catch a killer. Also Mr. Parker and Brigette get married.
At the Hour of Our Death-Jarod and Miss Parker both have life-threatening situations to deal with and remember a girl they met named Faith. They both survive because of her they think. Miss Parker learns that Faith was her adopted sister.
Countdown-Jarod must save a young boy with kidney failure by getting his father out of a Mexican prison.
Powers That Be(P.T.B.)-Jarod becomes a radio disk jockey to find out what happened to his predesesor. Miss Parker wants to move to Oregon with Thomas, which doesn't make her father or brother happy.
Ties That Bind-Jarod pretends to be an FBI agent to find out why a man would 'kill' himself. He has to help the man's son. Miss Parker tells her father that she wants to go to Oregon, they are mad about it. Then they tell her that she can go.
Wake Up-Miss Parker finds Tommy dead on her porch, Jarod tries to consol her and tells her that the Centre will never let any one be. Jarod makes a stained-glass picture of her-minus the heart. She swears revenge to whoever killed Thomas.
End Game(a Pretender-Profiler crossover)-Jarod and Ally walker team up to save a genius from becoming a killer. At the Centre, we find that Brigette is pregnant.
Qallupilluit-Jarod goes to a hidden Centre base in the Artic to try to find his father. While he is up there, he tries to find out who is killing the people.
Donoterase-Jarod finds his father and realizes that the Centre has a project where they were trying to make a clone of him by using his DNA. They have suceeded, but Jarod rescues the boy. The Centre captures Major Charles, then Jarod kidnaps Mr. Parker. They agree to trade the two fathers, but Raines wants to kill Mr. Parker. Brigette overheard and they go after them. Miss Parker jumps in front of him and is shot. Jarod is captured, but his father and clone escape.
Season Four

The World is Changing-Season 4 season premeire- Jarod is captured in the Center and He escapes. Miss Parker is in a hospital and gets out with the help of Sydney and Broots. Then Jarod finds that a building is going to be blown up to kill witnesses. He goes and saves the day and finds out info on his sister Emily. Lyle and Miss Parker know that Jarod will be there so they go there. Lyle lets Miss Parker go into the building when he knows that it is going to blow up, but Jarod stops it. Mr. Parker and Brigette are somewhere in hiding.
Survival-Jarod pretends to be in the army to find out about the killing of a man. Jarod lures Miss Parker and Lyle into an abandon truck bed where they get locked. It was in Texas, but travels back to Blue Cove. While they are in it, they have to eat BBQed grasshoppers. The one that Miss Parker eats has a key in it. There is also papers that show that Lyle was suspcted of killing foriegn exchange students in college. He burns them. With the key Miss Parker finds a box with a watch that was her mothers in it. She tells Lyle about how it saved her once. Jarod finds out about the killing and tortures that man who did it.
Angels Flight-Jarod is a gothic person in this Halloween episode where he is trying to find a girl who's father can't find her. He has to go to secret meetings and such to find out about this Hawk, a magician. He finds out about her and finds the girl who was almost killed. He sets up Hawk and captures him. Meanwhile he had been sending pieces of a head to Miss Parker and crew. They wind up in the wax museum the Jarod had been sending them stuff from. There is a wax showcase with the three of them in stocks. When they put the head on the man who is standing with the figures, there heads(wax) get cut off. They find out the man is one of Lyle's new helpers.
Risque Business-Jarod poses as a sex therapist. He is taking the place of one of the therapists that was attacked supposedly by one of her paitents. Jarod is determined to find out who really did it. Meanwhile, Miss Parker, Broots and Sydney find some of the things that Jarod had. Broots tells Sydney that he likes Miss Parker and he tells Broots to tell her this. Jarod finds that Melissa's(the therapist who was attacked) medication had been switched. He helps her and finds out that she had been attacked in college too. So Jarod finds out that the head of the building was the one who attacked her. He gives him a taste of his own medicine. Miss Parker and Broots go to an abandon warehouse and find a bowl of pistachios. When they get back to the Centre she tells Lyle that next time he trys to fix her up he had better do his research because Jarod is allergic to pistachios.
Road Trip-Jarod didn't have to pretend when he fell in love with Zoe. He helped her get over her guilt of her sister death and deal with the fact that she had cancer. They both fell in love but Jarod couldn't stay with her. Jarod also sent Miss Parker, Sydney and Broots on a trip down the yellow brick road into the past.
Extreme-Jarod has to be an extreme sports person so he can find out what happened to a man who was 'accidentally' injured. Meanwhile, he sends Miss Parker, Broots and Sydney clues about Lyle. They find out that he killed another Asian girl by torturing her. They are disgusted with him, but they don't let him know.
Wild Child-Jarod helps a wild child, Violet, start to come over her fear of humans and get adopted. He finds the man who was not helping her and using her for research go to jail. Miss Parker is trying to find out who was taking pictures of her. She thought it was Mr. Cox, whom she went and questioned him. She found out that he didn't take the pictures(or so he said) and that Lyle was 'trying' to help her.
Rules of Engagment-Jarod has to be a FBI hostage negotiator. He deals with the situation while finding out about the Tooth Fairy. Miss Parker gets a call from her father and has to go meet him. She brings him back a strong box with money. It also has information about a Baby Parker, which he won't let her see. He says to find Jarod first and then they will be a big happy family again. Because of her meeting with him, they miss capturing Jarod.
Til Death Do us Part-In this episode, it is the one year anniversary of Thomas' death. Miss Parker is really sad about this and Jarod tries to help her. She finds out that someone named 'Rumor' was the one who killed him and so she is determined to find out who did it. Then Brigette is about to have her baby and Mr. Cox is trying to find out about things going on at the Centre. Miss Parker finds that Brigette killed Thomas and goes after her. Brigette is having her baby and Miss Parker has to deliver it. She admits to killing Thomas, but bleeds to death after the baby is born. Mr. Parker comes and says that the last piece of the puzzle is complete. Miss Parker is mad because he doesn't even care that Brigette is dead and doesn't want to know what the baby is(boy or girl).
Spin Doctor/Clean Sweep(Pretender/Profiler crossover)-Jarod has to investigate the death of a man that helped him after he escaped the Centre. He finds that the profiler, Rachel, is kind of annoying, but also cute. So they figure out what happened to him(after about 3 more people were killed). Meanwhile, Miss Parker and Broots are trying to find out why Sydney is going crazy. They find that he once was in a car accident that 'killed' his young lover. They help him out with it. Then in the Profiler section, they find that the actual killer was the man that supposedly died. He captures Jarod and tortures him. Rachel and her crew save him and Jarod and her promise that next time they meet, he will tell her everything.
Cold Dick-Jarod is set up to be a private detective, Dick Dickson, by Arygle in this Valentines day episode. He has to help Argyle find who killed a bar owner and who kidnapped a show girl, Mona. Meanwhile, Miss Parker and Broots are in a room together to try to get Jarod. Broots falls alsleep and has a pretty wild dream about him and Miss Parker. Then Jarod helps Arygles father meet Wayne Newton.