The Praise Team

These are the guitars of the First United Methodist Church of Chiefland. The praise team is made of mostly some of the youth and the youth director. If you would like to come to practice with us if you have any musical talent we would love to have you. If you would like to know when we practice it is from 6 to 7 and the guitar players play from 5 through 7.

The Members....
Bryan - The lead singer.
Robert - Bass guitar, Guitar, ans sings sometimes.
Cory - Guitar, Drums, Sing, and he is learning the keyborad so we can do some cool stuff on the keyboard.
Madge - Panio Player, she has been playing paino since she was really little that is how good she is!

E-mail the praise team..
If you would like to e-mail us e-mail us at This e-mail is our youth directors e-mail just to let you know. If you would like to get in contact with one of the other members of the praise team our youth director will give you our e-mail addresses.

First of all, we would like to give all the glory to God for him helping us learn our insturments and use them in the right manner. We would also like to thank Pastor Kent for beliving in us and supporting us.

The guitars!!
Put your mouse of the image and it will swith guitars.