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Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four

Part 1:   The first part of this project will explore your use of basic statistical measures and web based searches.
Your presentation can be as creative as your group wants to make it.  You should be able to answer the following questions.

You will want to use the resources listed on the resource page.  You may use internet sources or off-line sources.  Most of the information asked about will not require a lot of hard searching.  Remember, this is like a warm-up lap, make sure your team is working well together, test everything out, and complete part one.  The upcoming sections will require more mathematics, graphing, more in-depth research, and time.  Keep going victory is within your reach if you work together as a team.

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Part 2: This section will require you to use research from part one.  You will still need to use basic statistical measures and graphing techniques.  Your research may need to be more in depth.  Each group should continue to gather data and collect statistics.  Remember, each group can display their data as creatively as they wish.  Once you have collected data from all parts of the project you can combine your results into a cohesive project.  Groups do not need to present their final project in four different parts.  Progress will be checked throughout each section to keep your project on schedule.

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Part 3: This section will require your group to use more advanced statistical skills, such as scatterplots, linear regression, plots over time.  this section will also require your group to use deep thinking and reasoning skills.  There must be logic and meaning behind all statistics.  It will be your groups role to find these answers and help develop the race plan for the team.  You may need to do more extensive research to back up you reasoning and explanations.  remember to keep the creative process going as you keep building your project.  You are more than half way done, consider this the half way point.  I will evaluate all groups progress and award a bonus to the team leading at this point.  Remember, just like in a race the team leading here is not always the team in the lead at the end, so keep working hard and race to the finish.

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Part 4 - This section will use your knowledge of ratios and beginning probability.  You may want to use a combination of on-line and off-line sources for this section.  This is the last section in the project, the final lap!  Good Luck!  I will be looking for all of you in Victory Lane!
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