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         "How am I going to get my grade?  How much is this worth?  Is one part worth more than another?  Where should I put in most of my time?"

If these are some of the many questions in your mind right now, this section should help and guide you to a successful project.

Points Possible
Overall Visual Appeal  Project should be visually appealing, neat, ordered, and easy to follow. Graphs should be accurate and presented in an easy to read format, well labeled, etc.
Creative Presentation Project should be creatively presented and have some aspect unique to each group.  Project should appeal to and grab the attention of viewers.
Part One
Accuracy of statistical calculations (means, algebraic computations of speed and time), accurate research from provided sources, documentation of research findings, and mathematical calculations shown with the group's work provided.
Part Two
Accurate calculations of median, mean, and MAD. Ability of group to back up hypotheses with research and factual data.  Accurate histograms. Detailed Comparison and contrast of the two histograms and data analysis.
Part Three
Accuracy of statistics found through research, documentation of research sources graphically accurate scatterplot, explanation of variables and their placement on the appropriate axes, correct linear regression line and equation of line, accurate graphs over time detailing both time and speeds over the past ten years
Part Four
Accurate NASCAR manufacturer statistics, documentation of sources for research and statistics used in probability calculations, and complete and well supported theories and hypotheses regarding the accuracy and usefulness of these calculations.
Group Work
Evidence through observation of classwork and work turned of a cohesive group work environment, where each member is obviously performing there assigned duties in addition to communicating with other group members and making cooperative decisions.
Final Product
Each group will be evaluated on their final project's presentation of results.  All work should be organized, neat, and appealing to others.  Presentation can be on a website, using computer software, word processing, calculator driven graphs, or presented in written fashion.  More points will be awarded for groups who integrate more computer technology into their projects.  Written reports will be accepted, but a website or power point presentation would gain the highest point values.
Progress Checks
After each part of the project, one, two, three, and four, the data, research, and graphs will be checked for progress, accuracy, and completion.  This is to help your group stay on track for completion and success.  Each section need not be 100% complete and ready for present, but the questions listed throughout the process should be answered or at the very least have the research and statistics to completely answer the questions.
10 each
Checked four times for a total of 
40 points
Total Points Possible
Half Way Bonus
Awarded to the group that has shown the most progress after part two is completed and checked for progress.

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