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Mike's Radio Page-VE3FGU

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This is my main 160 metre and 10 metre AM station. The transmitter is a Johnson Viking Valiant II and the receiver is a National NC303. These were rescued from a CB operator who had stored them in a cold damp basement for several years. After a year of trying to get them, he finally sold them to me. The receiver was out of the cabinet and looked like a basket case. Both pieces of equipment were covered with about a half inch of dirt, sawdust, rust and mouse droppings. After several days of carefully cleaning them, I plugged them in for the smoke test. No smoke! Other than replacing the filter capacitors in the transmitter and restringing the band change cord in the receiver, both worked perfectly. A real surprise. I repainted the NC303 cabinet and it now looks quite nice.


This is the high power AM and SSB operating position. The AM transmitter is a Johnson Viking 500 and the receiver is a Hallicrafters SX115. The SSB station is a Kenwood TS830S with the VFO230 digital VFO. The amplifieris a Johnson Thunderbolt. The antenna tuner is a Kilowatt Matchbox, also made by Johnson.

The antenna system at VE3FGU. HF antennas are a full wave delta loop for 80 metres, 160 metre inverted vee and a 4 element Yagi for ten metres.

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