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1998 WMKA World Seminar

June 1998 St. Louis Missouri

world.sem98-1.JPG (11515 bytes)   It was a 16 hour drive from the Collingwood Dojo to the 1998 WMKA World Seminar, held this year in St. Louis Missouri USA, but our Dojo members arrived ready to train.  The Canadian contingent were fortunate to be staying at the Budokai Dojo, and offer their sincere thanks to Mr. Jim Alexander for his kind generosity.

    This year, the emphasis was on fundamentals.  A great deal of time was spent on basics and the necessity of proper training routines and drills in class.  Kata Bunkai were practiced for the first three kata to help juniors and seniors alike achieve uniformity among the various Dojo.  Fighting applications taken from theworld.sem98-2.JPG (10833 bytes) seemingly simple basic techniques were taught.

    Saturday afternoon, the seminar broke into two groups.  One group practiced kumite drills led by the very capable Mr. Ehachi Ota, 7th Dan, Kyoshi, and assisted by Mr. Bill George, 6th Dan, Renshi, and Mr. Don Caponigro, 5th Dan.  This group worked on the seven yakusoku kumite, with emphasis placed on the importance of world.sem98-6.JPG (14479 bytes)foot work and body shifting.  The second group worked on the bo kata Shirotaro-No-Kon, led by Toshimitsu Arakaki, 7th Dan, Kyoshi, from Naha, Okinawa.  The group worked diligently on this kata and its fundamentals.

    The seminar participants attended  a banquet on Saturday evening in honour of the founder of the style, Grandmaster Shoshin Nagamine.  The most seniorworld.sem98-5.JPG (10201 bytes) teachers each gave a small address on their special relationship with the founder.

    The Canadian students came home physically tired yet with their zest for training renewed for yet another year.  We look forward to seeing everyone again at the next World Seminar. world.sem98-3.JPG (10043 bytes)





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